[Watson News] Baidu online disk blocked the unofficial version: lock the account

Nowadays, there are few stable and reliable network hard disks, and Baidu online disk is one of them. However, if you want to obtain complete and high-speed Baidu online disk services, especially full speed download and automatic backup, you have to buy senior members, and the cost is getting higher and higher.

For a long time, various third-party cracked Baidu Netdisk clients have been widely spread, which can bring almost unlimited download speed. Naturally, everyone likes them, but the official will certainly not tolerate them all the time.

Today, the official announcement of Baidu Netdisk said that recently, users reported that the file data of Baidu Netdisk was abnormal. Through analysis, it was found that some users had used the unofficial version of Baidu Netdisk, resulting in security risks such as account theft.

In this regard, Baidu Online Disk has launched security protection measures. Downloading online disk files with an unofficial version will fail.

Further, if the account has a large number of abnormal requests, it will be locked to ensure the security of the account.

So, either you can bear the turtle's speed honestly, or you can pay for it.

 [Watson News] Baidu online disk blocked the unofficial version: lock the account


The official statement of Baidu Online Disk is as follows:

Dear user

Recently, I received a feedback from the user that the network disk file data is abnormal. Through analysis, we found that some users had used the unofficial version of the network disk, which caused security risks such as account theft.

In response to this situation, we have initiated security measures. Downloading network disk files with an unofficial version will fail. If there are a large number of abnormal requests for the account, the account will be locked to ensure the security of the account.

If your account is locked, you can appeal through the official version of the online disk. Thank you for your support of Baidu Netdisk.

 [Watson News] Baidu online disk blocked the unofficial version: lock the account

Translated from: Fast Technology

 Watson Blog
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