Oral statement of Huawei's departing employees ⑤ Zhang Che: When lack of money becomes the norm of the company, I will think about Huawei Watson News

Oral statement of Huawei's departing employees ⑤ Zhang Che: When lack of money becomes the norm of the company, I will think about Huawei

Three years ago, he left Huawei at the end of the year. He reviewed Huawei's many years of career experience with a reflective attitude and wrote "Farewell, Huawei's Eight Year Female Master of Science and Engineering Leaving Speech", which attracted much attention. Later, at the invitation of the publishing house, he wrote the book "The altar is on the left, Huawei is on the right". The author has been researching and developing the system in Huawei, during which he has been in Shanghai
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 [Watson News] Baidu online disk blocked the unofficial version: lock the account Watson News

[Watson News] Baidu online disk blocked the unofficial version: lock the account

Nowadays, there are few stable and reliable network hard disks, and Baidu online disk is one of them. However, if you want to obtain complete and high-speed Baidu online disk services, especially full speed download and automatic backup, you have to buy senior members, and the cost is getting higher and higher. All the time, Baidu online disk users of various third-party cracking versions
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