Wang Zijie's top design case introduction, is Wang Zijie's personal profile so powerful

 weiwei October 28, 2022 17:27:25 Resource sharing comment five hundred and sixty-seven one Reading mode

It is believed that many people will learn from Mr. Wang Zijie on the short video platform. Many people have seen more short videos now, and naturally become interested in some courses. And now there are many people on the short video platform who can talk about business knowledge such as success, which must have aroused many people's interest. However, many people still don't know Mr. Wang Zijie very well. Let's introduce the following.


Profile of Wang Zijie

Wang Zijie, male, founder and chairman of the board of directors of Wanqi Win win, is a top strategic design expert who studies and practices mobile Internet, strategic planning, investment and financing programs and other fields.

A win-win situation for all enterprises arises with the development of the industry. Taking the "business road" culture as the root, we will create an incubation model for smart entrepreneurs, help entrepreneurs to build a top-level strategy of asset light and capitalization, so that enterprises can transform and upgrade, and the foundation can grow.

Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors

Strategic top-level design expert

Research and practice mobile Internet, strategic planning, investment and financing programs and other fields. Several successful cases of cross industry integration have been created.


Enterprise Strategy

Commercial Road

Strategic Top Level Design

Micro store Business Model

Say Goodbye to Rich Dad, etc

Is Wang Zijie's class so powerful

The course of Wang Zijie's "Whole Network Marketing" is easy to learn and very good. It is suitable for those who are weak in the concept of online marketing. Many practical things in it have principles and can be used immediately. It is relatively valuable, because on the one hand, they can learn something, on the other hand, they can also make enterprises develop very well.

Top floor design case of Wang Zijie

I have a student surnamed Huang who just got a piece of land in a small county town. He hopes to build a high-end hotel with an investment of more than 100 million yuan with only 2 million yuan of start-up capital. More importantly, he also put forward the following problems for me

(1) He doesn't want to split the company, that is, he wants others to lend money to it to build a hotel, and he doesn't want to split the shares of his hotel.

(2) His land is 60 kilometers away from the provincial capital city. The city has a small population and fewer high consumption groups. He hopes that the hotel will have a large and stable consumption flow.

(3) He hopes that the hotel can operate at a low cost in the future, and make profits or even recover costs in the first year

The boss has never run a five-star hotel. Although he can recruit senior professional managers in the hotel industry to take care of it, his problem is obviously not just about business.

Mr. Huang's bigger problem is how to raise money and do a good job in the future. In a small county near the capital of a province with only 60 people, many people pour cold water on it if they want to do well in high-end hotels.

However, I support him because 99% of the people in the world can only think about the whole box and solve problems easily

Planning framework of the first museum hotel in China

Cooperate with various cultural relics protection units and national or private museums in Jiangxi to open the country's first museum style high-end hotel with unique cultural characteristics. Then, integrate resources in an all-round way, cooperate with consumer financing and business travel channels, and comprehensively solve the problem of attracting customers for future hotels.

Specifically, the design is divided into three sub sectors: "marketing model", "business model" and "financial model":

(1) Solve the "marketing problem" and create a unique positioning

It is positioned as "the first museum hotel in China" to find selling points for his future hotel. It not only attracts local people, but also attracts foreigners and even tourists from all over the country.

The lobby on the first floor of the hotel should be decorated in the style of a museum. Each room should have different cultural relics. We should cooperate with cultural relics units to do "consignment" and obtain these cultural relics resources at zero cost.

As the hometown of Yan and Huang, Jiangxi is the birthplace of Chinese culture, with many cultural relics and stories to tell. Therefore, the hotel should continue to plan activities to attract national business travel groups. For example, small and high cultural relics are exhibited every month, auctioned every season, and large exhibitions are held every year. Attract national popularity.

(2) Solve the problem of "passenger flow" and reconstruct the business model

In addition to soliciting national business travel group days, publicity should be focused on nearby areas. There is an ordinary mode of selling houses, which is changed to: free mode+member mode+mixed mode ".

The so-called "free business model" refers to signing contracts with all large and medium-sized enterprises nearby, and the venue will be free of charge for any meeting held in this store in the future. After attracting enterprise meetings to the hotel, make money through value-added services such as catering and spa. "Member mode" refers to providing member enterprises with ultra-low price discounts, encouraging member enterprises to spend a lot of money repeatedly and re introduce.

"Mixed business model" refers to integrating various business ecosystems into the hotel. For example, the lobby of the hotel can be used as an exhibition hall for cultural relics, and the guest rooms can be used to store consigned cultural relics and specialties for collection.

(3) Solve the most difficult "financing problem"

If you want to finance without splitting shares, it is more appropriate at present to use "consumer finance". The scheme I designed for him is as follows:

1. Enterprises that invest 1 million yuan to become platinum members will get 2 million yuan of consumption quota. That is, when the hotel uses rooms, spa, catering and other services in the future, it can be deducted from the amount of 2 million yuan.

The enterprise has a large budget for meetings, vacations and dinners every year. Instead of going to other places, it is better to go to "China's first museum hotel". Each guest room has different decoration, different cultural relics and different stories, which are very selling points.

It is also very dignified when it is often used to receive VIP guests, and it is equivalent to a 50% discount on each consumption, which is very favorable This is the top-level design case introduced by Wang Zijie to help students establish. If you are interested, you can have a look. If you don't understand something, you can also search his courses.

  • This article is written by Published on October 28, 2022 17:27:25
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