Cpa free online course resources full version 2022, where can we find cpa free online course

 weiwei September 23, 2022 16:16:21 Resource sharing comment two hundred and ninety-three Reading mode

Now many people will choose to apply for the cpa and take an annotation exam, so that they can do related work, and later work is also popular. But of course, it is not so easy to take an exam, and it still needs some knowledge reserves. So what are the free cpa courses you can watch?


Where is the free video class of annotation

There are many ways to get free course videos for candidates to prepare for the exam. For example, there are some accounting, auditing, financial cost management and other related courses shared on platforms such as Station B, MOOC, Superstar Education, and open classes on the university website. You can go there when you have time.

In addition, the websites of some professional exam training institutions, such as Gordon Education, will also provide some full course classes, intensive lectures and other courses for examinees. The quality is also very high. If you have conditions, you can also choose.

Is it a waste of time to prepare for the exam and watch online classes

Not at all! For many people who take the annotation society exam for the first time, the content of the annotation society exam materials is difficult to understand, and the examinees need to spend a certain amount of time to understand. If it is self-study, it will take more time, which will virtually slow down their preparation for the exam, and the effect is not necessarily good.

In contrast, while learning the exam content of each subject, the examinee will cooperate with the online class to study together. It will be much easier to understand the textbook knowledge and make breakthroughs in key and difficult points. In addition, the combination of online classes will not cause the sense of sleepiness of reading the textbook alone. The online teaching method of preparing for the exam will attract more examinee's attention and will also be more efficient in learning.

What good learning materials can be used for annotation and exam preparation

Candidates must pay attention to when they prepare for the exam, so that they can get twice the result with half the effort!

Specifically, according to the examination materials provided by the China Annotation Society, examinees can purchase teaching materials for examination guidance of six subjects in the professional stage, compilation of test questions in the professional stage and comprehensive stage, and compilation of economic laws and regulations as needed; From the existing test preparation materials on the market, candidates can purchase matching chapter exercises, matching online tutoring tutorials, knowledge summaries of test points, chapter knowledge mind maps, etc.

It is better to register for several exams at one time

There are two stages of the examination, namely the professional stage examination and the comprehensive stage examination. There are eight subjects in total. Candidates should register for 2-3 courses at a time, and it is better to arrange to finish all 6 subjects in the professional stage of the annotation society in 2-3 years. The following is a detailed introduction to the subjects and registration rules of the CPIC exam:

Professional examination subjects (6 subjects): accounting, auditing, financial cost management, corporate strategy and risk management, economic law, tax law. The validity period of each subject is 5 years. Candidates can apply for 6 subjects at the same time or select some subjects.

Comprehensive stage examination subjects (2 subjects): comprehensive vocational ability test (test paper 1) and comprehensive vocational ability test (test paper 2). There is no time limit for registration. Candidates are required to take the two subjects in the same year.

You must be prepared, otherwise it will be difficult to pass the exam, which is also a training for your mentality. So you can find some good courses to help.

  • This article is written by Published on September 23, 2022 16:16:21
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