Which online course of CET-4/6 is the best in 2022? Effective methods for preparing for CET-4 and CET-6

Now many people have begun to apply for CET-4 and CET-6. In order to learn more knowledge, they will basically apply for online courses online. Now, online institutions applying for CET-4 and CET-6 do not know how to choose. So today, I will recommend some online courses of CET-4 and CET-6 to you.


Which online course of CET-4/6 is the best 2022

1. There is an excellent course. English teaching courses of CET-4 and CET-6 with excellent courses. It is currently the most popular online course. Youdao excellent course is established based on the development of Youdao dictionary. In recent years, Youdao's investment in English teaching has been increasing. The quality of online courses is also a leader in the industry. It is suggested to choose Faye Wong and Qu Gen's courses. The price is not high.

2. Hujiang English. It's a platitude. Hujiang English is the main force of online training of CET-4 and CET-6 every year. During my undergraduate period, the training of Hujiang English started the online teaching. Hujiang Kaixin Ci Field is an excellent app for memorizing words. It is recommended to practice more every day after downloading. This is how the author recites words. I got 87 points in the postgraduate entrance examination.

3. New Oriental. Need to say more? Online and offline education is the number one. New Oriental is absolutely the strongest in English exam oriented education. The enduring mainstream courses of New Oriental are TOEFL and GRE. However, New Oriental also has strong teaching methods for CET-4 and CET-6 in China. However, because the brand of New Oriental has a long history and its price is not low, it is recommended to choose offline courses when choosing New Oriental. Compare cost performance.

4. Kaochong. Kaochong is a brand of live broadcast courses for Chinese college students. Since 2015, it has launched online courses of CET-4 and CET-6. In addition to CET-4 and CET-6 courses, online courses of Kaochong's postgraduate entrance examination, IELTS, TOEFL and other categories have quickly become star products in the industry.

Test preparation methods for CET-4 and CET-6

1. Listening

Listening is the easiest part to get scores in CET 4 and CET 6. Of the total score of 20 points, if the listening level is good, 16-18 points are not a problem. It is suggested to adopt the strategy from easy to difficult, choose the series of real questions over the years, or choose to listen to CRI, and pay attention to not too long each time, 10 minutes or so. The time can be arranged before going to bed at night or at other times, step by step. Remember to catch fish for three days and dry the net for two days.

2. Words

Words are the basis of English. Without words, it is like building a building without bricks. You can only imagine castles in the air. You should master certain skills to recite words, so that you can get twice the result with half the effort.

The specific skills and experience can be summarized constantly, and the best one is the one that suits you. For example, you can recite about 10 words every day, review the words of the previous day the next day, and then spend one hour every Sunday to review the words of the week, and several hours every month to review the words of the month.

In this way, we can accumulate a relatively large vocabulary in half a year. Review the words again before the exam. Because it is for the exam, you can find high-frequency words about CET 4 and CET 6 and recite them (there are many relevant materials on the Internet).

3. Reading

Reading is to improve reading speed and grasp certain reading skills by increasing the amount of reading. At the beginning, because the foundation is poor, too difficult articles are definitely not suitable for friends with poor foundation. The first is to do the real question. From Level 4 to Level 6, try to understand the sentences and words in the real question, and make some analysis of the difficult sentences, especially the grammatical structure. Here is a question: at the beginning, you do the question

The accuracy rate of the goal will be very low. Don't lose heart, stick to it, absorb the essence from each reading, and soon find that reading is not so terrible. Second, for CET-6, you can read English news magazines at ordinary times, which can not only improve your interest, but also enhance your reading level.

4. Composition

Usually, you can selectively recite some model essays. If you recite many model essays, your composition will not be less than 6 points. But I suggest that you can use a small notebook to copy some wonderful sentences while reciting them, and read them often, and cite one against three. The same sentence, used in different places, will have different effects.

Finding some reliable online courses can improve your own level, but you still have to rely on yourself at ordinary times. You can get more from your efforts. The above online courses are all good, so you can go and learn about them.

  • This article is written by Published on September 22, 2022 16:08:21
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