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The US Airways Administration Admits Its Inadequate Supervision of Boeing Before the "Door Drop" Incident

2024-06-14 07:36 Beijing News

Source Title: American Aviation Administration Admits Its Inadequate Supervision of Boeing Before the "Door Drop" Event

According to the CCTV news client, on June 13 local time, Mike Whitaker, director of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), said that before the air emergency of a Boeing 737 MAX 9 aircraft of Alaska Airlines on January 5, the agency's supervision of Boeing was "too laissez faire".

Whitaker said that the Federal Aviation Administration has permanently added on-site inspectors to Boeing and will visit the Boeing plant in South Carolina on the 14th.

On January 5 this year, an accident occurred shortly after takeoff of a Boeing 737 MAX 9 airliner of Alaska Airlines. A door stopper on the side of the cabin fell off. The Federal Aviation Administration then asked Boeing to submit an improved quality control plan for accidents such as door stopper falling off, and prohibited Boeing from increasing production of 737 MAX series passenger aircraft. (CCTV reporter Xu Tao)

Editor in charge: Feng Chong (QZ0019)

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