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Modi responded to the "helicopter hard landing of the Iranian president": deeply worried and prayed for the safety of Leahy and his entourage

2024-05-20 13:24 China Economic Network

Source Title: Modi Responds to "Helicopter Hard Landing with the President of Iran": Deeply Worried, Pray for the Safety of Leahy and His entourage

Indian Prime Minister Modi has just sent a message on social platform X, "deeply worried" about the news that "a helicopter carrying Iranian President Leahy has a hard landing accident".

Modi wrote, "I am deeply worried about the report that President Leahy flew by helicopter today. We stand with the Iranian people, share the difficult times, and pray for the safety of the President and his entourage."

Earlier, the Associated Press, Reuters and other foreign media quoted local Iranian media on the 19th that one of the three helicopters taken by President Lech and his team suffered an "accident" that day. Foreign media reports were once confused and contradictory. Reuters reported that the helicopter carrying Iranian President Lech had a "hard landing".

According to the Xinhua News Agency, Iran's state television reported that the Chief of the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, Sergei Bageri, said on the 19th that he would use all the resources of the army and the Revolutionary Guard to search and rescue the presidential helicopter.

Editor in charge: Chen Liyan (QX0006)

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