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"Life threatening"! Fizo, who has been Prime Minister of Slovakia for four times, was "assassinated"

2024-05-16 00:48 China News Network

Source title: "Life threatening"! Fizo, who has been Prime Minister of Slovakia for four times, was "assassinated"

BEIJING, May 15 (Reuters) - On the 15th local time, Slovak Prime Minister Fizo was injured in a shooting incident. The Slovak Prime Minister's Office said that Prime Minister Roberto Fizo was shot and injured in an "assassination", which was life threatening.

According to the report, the Prime Minister's Office said, "At present, he (Fizo) is being sent by helicopter to Banska Bistreca, because in consideration of the necessity of emergency intervention, it takes too long to reach Bratislava."

It is reported that the attackers fired several shots, one of which hit Fizo in the abdomen. Witnesses said the attackers were under control.

Political veterans who have served as prime ministers for four times

Slovakia implements parliamentary democracy, and the Prime Minister holds the real power.

On September 30, 2023, Slovakia held the ninth national assembly election after independence, and the Social Democracy Direction Party (hereinafter referred to as Direction Party) won with 22.94% of the votes, becoming the largest party in the parliament. On October 25, 2023, the new government jointly established by the Social Democracy Direction Party, the Social Democracy Democratic Voices Party and the Slovak National Party was officially established, with the Direction Party Chairman Robert Fizzo as Prime Minister.

It is reported that in 2023, Fizo will be the fourth prime minister of Slovakia. He held this position three times in 2006, 2012 and 2016.

After accepting his appointment, Fizo said that the new government would be constructive and would not shy away from any challenges. It is hoped that the Slovak people will enjoy a better life at the end of their term of office.

According to the data, Fizo was born in September 1964 and graduated from the Law School of Komanski University in Slovakia.

Several European leaders spoke: deeply shocked

Slovak President Maria Chiaptova condemned the "ruthless" attack on the Prime Minister. "I am shocked and wish Roberto Fizzo to be strong at this critical moment and recover from the attack as soon as possible," Chiaptova said

European Commission President Von Delain said, "I strongly condemn the despicable attack on Prime Minister Robert Fizo. This violence has no place in our society."

Hungarian Prime Minister Orban said, "I am deeply shocked by the heinous attack on my friend Prime Minister Roberto Fizo. I pray for his health and early recovery."

Editor in charge: Zhang Chi (QN0009)

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