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The government of the Russian Federation announced its resignation, and the nomination of the new government will be reviewed 15 days ago

2024-05-07 22:37 CCTV Network

Source title: The Russian Federation Government announced its resignation, and the nomination of the new government will be reviewed 15 days ago

On the 7th local time, Russian Prime Minister Mishuskin signed a government resolution to remove the power of the current government. The chairman of the Russian Federation Council (upper house of parliament) Martviyanko said that the nomination and review of the ministers of the new Russian government would be carried out before May 15.

The inauguration ceremony of Russian President Putin was held in the Kremlin on the 7th, and Putin was sworn in as the eighth president of the Russian Federation. According to the law, after the inauguration of the President, the Government of the Russian Federation will announce its resignation. The Prime Minister, Vice Premiers and ministers of all ministries will continue to work as agents, waiting for the approval of the new government. (Head Office reporter Song Yao)

Editor in charge: Zhang Siyu (QX0007)

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