Cinda Securities

- six hundred and one thousand and fifty-nine


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Yesterday's closing: - Opening today: - Maximum price: - minimum price: -
Market value: - RMB 100 million circulation: - deal: - Hand to hand: -
Date of announcement:
Announcement date of notice of general meeting of shareholders: June 8, 2024
corporate name Cinda Securities
Date of announcement 2024-06-08
Meeting type Annual General Meeting
Convening method Online voting, on-site voting
Topic 1 Proposal on Deliberating the 2023 Work Report of the Board of Directors of Cinda Securities Co., Ltd
2. Proposal on Deliberating the 2023 Work Report of the Board of Supervisors of Cinda Securities Co., Ltd
3 Proposal on Deliberating the Work Report of Independent Directors of Cinda Securities Co., Ltd. in 2023
4 Proposal on Deliberating the 2023 Annual Report of Cinda Securities Co., Ltd
5 Proposal on Deliberating the 2023 Financial Final Account Report of Cinda Securities Co., Ltd
6 Proposal on Deliberating the 2023 Profit Distribution Plan of Cinda Securities Co., Ltd
7 Proposal on Matters Related to Interim Cash Dividends in 2024
8 Proposal on Employment of the Company's Accounting Firm in 2024
9 Proposal on Deliberating the Connected Transactions of Cinda Securities Co., Ltd. in 2023 and Expected Daily Connected Transactions in 2024
10 Proposal on Amending the Articles of Association of Cinda Securities Co., Ltd
11 Proposal on Amending the Working System of Independent Directors of Cinda Securities Co., Ltd
12 Proposal on Amending the Remuneration and Assessment Management System of Directors and Supervisors of Cinda Securities Co., Ltd
Deliberation content Profit distribution plan, annual report (summary) proposal
Announcement date of notice of general meeting of shareholders: October 20, 2023
corporate name Cinda Securities
Date of announcement 2023-10-20
Meeting type interim general meeting of stockholders
Convening method Online voting, on-site voting
Topic 1. Proposal on Election of Shareholder Representative Supervisors of the 6th Board of Supervisors
2. Proposal on Deliberating the Remuneration Plan of Directors of the 6th Board of Directors
3. Proposal on Deliberating the Remuneration Plan of Supervisors of the 6th Board of Supervisors
4 Proposal on Establishing Asset Management Subsidiary
5 Proposal on the commitment to provide net capital guarantee to asset management subsidiaries
6 Proposal on Change of Business Scope of the Company
7 Proposal on Amending the Articles of Association
8.00 Proposal on Election of Non independent Directors of the 6th Board of Directors
8.01 Ai Jiuchao
8.02 Zhu Ruimin
8.03 Song Yonghui
8.04 Liu Liyi
9.00 Proposal on Election of Independent Directors of the 6th Board of Directors
9.01 Liu Junyong
9.02 Huang Jin
9.03 Huamin
Deliberation content Proposal on the change of directors
Announcement date of notice of general meeting of shareholders: June 6, 2023
corporate name Cinda Securities
Date of announcement 2023-06-06
Meeting type Annual General Meeting
Convening method Online voting, on-site voting
Topic 1 Proposal on Deliberating the 2022 Work Report of the Board of Directors of Cinda Securities Co., Ltd
2. Proposal on Deliberating the 2022 Work Report of the Board of Supervisors of Cinda Securities Co., Ltd
3. Proposal on Deliberating the Work Report of Independent Directors of Cinda Securities Co., Ltd. in 2022
4 Proposal on Deliberating the 2022 Annual Report of Cinda Securities Co., Ltd
5 Proposal on Deliberating the 2022 Financial Final Account Report of Cinda Securities Co., Ltd
6 Proposal on Deliberating the 2022 Profit Distribution Plan of Cinda Securities Co., Ltd
7 Proposal on Employment of the Company's Accounting Firm in 2023
8. Proposal on Deliberating the Connected Transactions of Cinda Securities Co., Ltd. in 2022 and Expected Daily Connected Transactions in 2023
9 Proposal on Amending the Authorization Plan of the General Meeting of Shareholders of Cinda Securities Co., Ltd. to the Board of Directors
10.00 Proposal on Amending the Articles of Association of Cinda Securities Co., Ltd. and Relevant Rules of Procedure
10.01 Articles of Association of Cinda Securities Co., Ltd
10.02 Rules of Procedure of the General Meeting of Shareholders
10.03 Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors
11.00 Proposal on Deliberating Related Transaction Management System and Other Related Systems
11.01 Implementation Rules of Cumulative Voting System
11.02 Working System of Independent Directors
11.03 External Guarantee Management System
11.04 Standardizing the Management System of Fund Transactions with Related Parties
11.05 Management System of Connected Transactions
11.06 Management System for Remuneration and Assessment of Directors and Supervisors
12.00 Proposal on By election of Independent Directors of the 5th Board of Directors
12.01 Huang Jin
12.02 Dong Guoyun
Deliberation content Profit distribution plan, annual report (summary) proposal
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