Zhengdan Shares

- three hundred thousand six hundred and forty-one


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Yesterday's closing: - Opening today: - Maximum price: - minimum price: -
Market value: - RMB 100 million circulation: - deal: - Hand to hand: -
Date of announcement:
Announcement date of notice of general meeting of shareholders: August 30, 2024
corporate name Zhengdan Shares
Date of announcement 2024-08-30
Meeting type interim general meeting of stockholders
Convening method Online voting, on-site voting
Topic 1.00 Proposal on the Company's Compliance with the Conditions for Issuing Shares to Specific Objects
2.00 Proposal on the Company's Plan of Issuing Shares to Specific Objects in 2024
2.01 Type and par value of issued shares
2.02 Issuance method and time
2.03 Issuance Object and Subscription Method
2.04 Pricing Base Date, Issue Price and Pricing Principles
2.05 Number of issues
2.06 Scale and purpose of raised funds
2.07 Restricted period
2.08 Listing place of shares
2.09 Arrangement of accumulated undistributed profits before this offering
2.10 Validity period of this issuance resolution
3.00 Proposal on the Plan for the Company to Issue Shares to Specific Targets in 2024
4.00 Proposal on the Demonstration and Analysis Report of the Company's 2024 Share Issuance Plan to Specific Objects
5.00 Proposal on the Feasibility Analysis Report on the Use of Funds Raised by the Company's Issuance of Shares to Specific Targets in 2024
6.00 Proposal on the Report on the Use of the Company's Previously Raised Funds
7.00 Proposal on Dilution of Immediate Return and Filling Measures and Commitments of Relevant Subjects by Issuing Shares to Specific Targets
8.00 Proposal on Shareholders' Dividend Return Planning in the Next Three Years (2024-2026)
9.00 Proposal on Requesting the General Meeting of Shareholders to Authorize the Board of Directors of the Company and its Authorized Persons to Handle Matters Related to the Issuance of Shares to Specific Objects
10.00 Proposal on Changing the Use of Raised Funds
11.00 Proposal on Changing the Registered Capital of the Company and Amending the Articles of Association
12.00 Proposal on Investment in the Construction of Malaysian Production Base and Related Transactions
Deliberation content Proposal on additional issuance of new shares
Announcement date of notice of general meeting of shareholders: April 25, 2024
corporate name Zhengdan Shares
Date of announcement 2024-04-25
Meeting type Annual General Meeting
Convening method Online voting, on-site voting
Topic 1.00 2023 Annual Report and Summary
2.00 2023 Work Report of the Board of Directors
3.00 2023 Work Report of the Board of Supervisors
4.00 2023 Financial Final Account Report
5.00 Proposal on 2023 Profit Distribution Plan
6.00 Proposal on Mid term Dividend Arrangement in 2024
7.00 Proposal on Applying for Comprehensive Credit Line from Bank in 2024
8.00 Proposal on Employment of the Company's Financial and Internal Control Audit Organization in 2024
9.00 Proposal on Termination of Co investment and Related Transactions with Professional Investment Institutions and Cancellation of the Partnership
10.00 Proposal on Election of Non independent Directors of the 5th Board of Directors
10.01 Electing Mr. Cao Zhengguo as a non independent director of the 5th Board of Directors of the Company
10.02 Electing Ms. Shen Xingxiu as a non independent director of the 5th Board of Directors
10.03 Electing Ms. Cao Cuiqiong as a non independent director of the 5th Board of Directors
10.04 Electing Mr. Jing Xiaoping as a non independent director of the 5th Board of Directors
10.05 Electing Ren Wei as a non independent director of the 5th Board of Directors of the Company
10.06 Electing Mr. Cao Pei as a non independent director of the 5th Board of Directors
11.00 Proposal on Election of Independent Directors of the 5th Board of Directors
11.01 Electing Mr. Fan Ming as the independent director of the 5th Board of Directors
11.02 Electing Ms. Fan Minghua as the independent director of the 5th Board of Directors
11.03 Electing Mr. Zhou Aihua as the independent director of the 5th Board of Directors
12.00 Proposal on Election of Non employee Representative Supervisors of the 5th Board of Supervisors
12.01 Electing Mr. Zhou Weilin as the non employee representative supervisor of the 5th Board of Supervisors of the Company
12.02 Electing Mr. Wang Lijun as the non employee representative supervisor of the 5th Board of Supervisors of the Company
Deliberation content Proposal on the change of directors' term, profit distribution plan, annual report (abstract) proposal
Announcement date of notice of general meeting of shareholders: April 8, 2024
corporate name Zhengdan Shares
Date of announcement 2024-04-08
Meeting type interim general meeting of stockholders
Convening method Online voting, on-site voting
Topic 1.00 Proposal on the Board of Directors' Proposal to Amend Down the Conversion Price of "Zhengdan Convertible Bonds"
Deliberation content  
Announcement date of notice of general meeting of shareholders: December 8, 2023
corporate name Zhengdan Shares
Date of announcement 2023-12-08
Meeting type interim general meeting of stockholders
Convening method Online voting, on-site voting
Topic 1.00 Proposal on Amending the Articles of Association
2.00 Proposal on Amending the Rules of Procedure of the General Meeting of Shareholders
3.00 Proposal on Amending the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors
4.00 Proposal on Amending the Working System of Independent Directors
Deliberation content  
Announcement date of notice of general meeting of shareholders: April 26, 2023
corporate name Zhengdan Shares
Date of announcement 2023-04-26
Meeting type Annual General Meeting
Convening method Online voting, on-site voting
Topic 1.00 2022 Annual Report and Summary
2.00 2022 Work Report of the Board of Directors
3.00 2022 Work Report of the Board of Supervisors
4.00 2022 Financial Final Account Report
5.00 Proposal on 2022 Profit Distribution Plan
6.00 Proposal on Applying for Comprehensive Credit Line from Bank in 2023
7.00 Proposal on Renewing the Employment of the Company's Audit Institution in 2023
8.00 Proposal on the Settlement of Some Investment Projects Funded by IPO and the Permanent Replenishment of Working Capital from the Surplus Funded by IPO
9.00 Proposal on Changing the Use of Funds Raised by Some Initial Public Offerings
Deliberation content Profit distribution plan, annual report (summary) proposal
Announcement date of notice of general meeting of shareholders: April 7, 2022
corporate name Zhengdan Shares
Date of announcement 2022-04-07
Meeting Type Annual General Meeting
Convening method Online voting, on-site voting
Topic 1.00 2021 Annual Report and Summary
2.00 2021 Work Report of the Board of Directors
3.00 2021 Work Report of the Board of Supervisors
4.00 2021 Financial Final Account Report
5.00 Proposal on 2021 Profit Distribution Plan
6.00 Proposal on Applying for Comprehensive Credit Line from Bank in 2022
7.00 Proposal on Renewing the Employment of the Company's Audit Institution in 2022
8.00 Proposal on Amending the Articles of Association
9.00 Proposal on Amending the Rules of Procedure of the General Meeting of Shareholders
10.00 Proposal on Amending the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors
11.00 Proposal on Amending the Working System of Independent Directors
12.00 Proposal on Amending the Administrative Measures for Financing and External Guarantee
13.00 Proposal on Amending the Management System of Connected Transactions
14.00 Proposal on Amending the Management System of Raised Funds
Deliberation content Profit distribution plan, annual report (summary) proposal
Announcement date of notice of general meeting of shareholders: October 27, 2021
corporate name Zhengdan Shares
Date of announcement 2021-10-27
Meeting type interim general meeting of stockholders
Convening method Online voting, on-site voting
Topic 1.00 Proposal on Proposed Joint Investment and Related Transactions with Professional Investment Institutions
Deliberation content
Announcement date of notice of general meeting of shareholders: July 9, 2021
corporate name Zhengdan Shares
Date of announcement 2021-07-09
Meeting type interim general meeting of stockholders
Convening method Online voting, on-site voting
Topic 1.00 Proposal on Jiangsu Zhengdan Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. Phase I Employee Stock Ownership Plan (Draft) and its abstract
2.00 Proposal on the Management Measures for Phase I Employee Stock Ownership Plan of Jiangsu Zhengdan Chemical Industry Co., Ltd
3.00 Proposal on Submitting the General Meeting of Shareholders to Authorize the Board of Directors to Handle Matters Related to the Employee Stock Ownership Plan of the Company
4.00 Proposal on Amending the Articles of Association
5.00 Proposal on By election of Non independent Director Candidates of the Fourth Board of Directors
6.00 Proposal on Remuneration Plan of Directors and Supervisors
Deliberation content
Announcement date of notice of general meeting of shareholders: April 16, 2021
corporate name Zhengdan Shares
Date of announcement 2021-04-16
Meeting Type Annual General Meeting
Convening method Online voting, on-site voting
Topic 1.00 2020 Annual Report and Summary
2.00 2020 Work Report of the Board of Directors
3.00 Work Report of the Board of Supervisors in 2020
5.00 Proposal on 2020 Profit Distribution Plan
6.00 Proposal on Applying for Comprehensive Credit Line from Bank in 2021
7.00 Proposal on Renewing the Employment of the Company's Audit Institution in 2021
8.00 Proposal on Changing the Company's Business Scope and Amending the Articles of Association
9.00 Proposal on Amending the Rules of Procedure of the General Meeting of Shareholders
10.00 Proposal on Amending the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Supervisors
11.00 Proposal on Amending the Administrative Measures for Foreign Investment
12.00 Proposal on Amending the Administrative Measures for Financing and External Guarantee
13.00 Proposal on Amending the Management System of Connected Transactions
14.00 Proposal on Amending the Management System of Raised Funds
15.00 Proposal on Election of Non independent Directors of the Fourth Board of Directors
15.01 Electing Mr. Cao Zhengguo as a non independent director of the fourth Board of Directors of the Company
15.02 Electing Ms. Shen Xingxiu as a non independent director of the fourth Board of Directors
15.03 Electing Ms. Cao Cuiqiong as a non independent director of the fourth Board of Directors of the Company
15.04 Electing Mr. Hu Guozhong as a non independent director of the fourth Board of Directors of the Company
15.05 Electing Mr. Jing Xiaoping as a non independent director of the 4th Board of Directors
15.06 Electing Mr. Cao Pei as a non independent director of the fourth Board of Directors
16.00 Proposal on Election of Independent Directors of the Fourth Board of Directors of the Company
16.01 Electing Mr. Fan Ming as the independent director of the fourth board of directors
16.02 Ms. Fan Minghua was elected as the independent director of the fourth board of directors of the company
16.03 Electing Mr. Zhou Aihua as the independent director of the fourth board of directors
17.00 Proposal on Election of Non employee Representative Supervisors of the Fourth Board of Supervisors of the Company
17.01 Election of Mr. Dong Jincai as the non employee representative supervisor of the fourth Board of Supervisors of the Company
17.02 Electing Mr. Wang Lijun as the non employee representative supervisor of the fourth Board of Supervisors of the Company
Deliberation content Proposal on the change of directors' term, profit distribution plan, annual report (abstract) proposal
Announcement date of notice of general meeting of shareholders: April 27, 2020
corporate name Zhengdan Shares
Date of announcement 2020-04-27
Meeting Type Annual General Meeting
Convening method Online voting, on-site voting
Topic 1.00 2019 Work Report of the Board of Directors
2.00 2019 Work Report of the Board of Supervisors
3.00 2019 Annual Report and Summary
4.00 2019 Financial Final Account Report
5.00 2020 Financial Budget Report
6.00 Proposal on 2019 Profit Distribution Plan
7.00 Proposal on Applying for Comprehensive Credit Line from Banks in 2020
8.00 Proposal on Employing the Company's Audit Institution in 2020
9.00 Proposal on the Company's Compliance with the Conditions for Public Issuance of Convertible Corporate Bonds
10.00 Proposal on the Company's Plan for Public Issuance of Convertible Corporate Bonds
10.01 Types of securities issued this time
10.02 Issuance scale
10.03 Face value and issue price
10.04 Bond Term
10.05 Bond interest rate
10.06 Term and method of repayment of principal and interest
10.07 Term of conversion
10.08 Determination of the number of shares converted
10.09 Determination and adjustment method of conversion price
10.10 Downward correction clause of conversion price
10.11 Redemption terms
10.12 Resale terms
10.13 Ownership of dividends in the year of conversion
10.14 Issuance method and object
10.15 Arrangement of placement to original A-share shareholders
10.16 Matters related to the Bondholders' Meeting
10.17 Use of funds raised this time
10.18 Guarantee
10.19 Deposit of raised funds
10.20 Term of validity of this offering plan
11.00 Proposal on the Company's Plan for Public Issuance of Convertible Corporate Bonds
12.00 Proposal on the Demonstration and Analysis Report of the Company's Public Issuance of Convertible Corporate Bonds
13.00 Proposal on the Feasibility Analysis Report on the Use of Funds Raised by the Company's Public Issuance of Convertible Corporate Bonds
14.00 Proposal on the Report on the Use of the Company's Previously Raised Funds
15.00 Proposal on Dilution of Immediate Return and Filling Measures for Public Issuance of Convertible Corporate Bonds
Proposal code Proposal name
16.00 Proposal on Commitments of Directors, Senior Managers, Controlling Shareholders and Actual Controllers of the Company on Public Issuance of Convertible Corporate Bonds to Dilute Immediate Return and Take Filling Measures
17.00 Proposal on Formulating the Rules for the Meeting of Convertible Corporate Bondholders of Jiangsu Zhengdan Chemical Industry Co., Ltd
18.00 Proposal on the Company's dividend return plan for the next three years (2020 - 2022)
19.00 Proposal on Submitting the General Meeting of Shareholders to Authorize the Board of Directors or Persons Authorized by the Board of Directors to Handle Matters Related to the Public Offering of Convertible Corporate Bonds
20.00 Proposal on the Company's Failure to Be Regulated or Punished by Securities Regulatory Authorities and Exchanges in the Last Five Years
Deliberation content Proposal on issuing corporate bonds, profit distribution plan, annual report (summary) proposal
Announcement date of notice of general meeting of shareholders: August 15, 2019
corporate name Zhengdan Shares
Date of announcement 2019-08-15
Meeting type interim general meeting of stockholders
Convening method Online voting, on-site voting
Topic 1.00 Proposal on Adjusting the Implementation Mode and Implementation Period of "Construction Project of Engineering Technology R&D Center"
Deliberation content
Announcement date of notice of general meeting of shareholders: April 25, 2019
corporate name Zhengdan Shares
Date of announcement 2019-04-25
Meeting Type Annual General Meeting
Convening method Online voting, on-site voting
Topic 1.00 2018 Work Report of the Board of Directors
2.00 2018 Work Report of the Board of Supervisors
3.00 2018 Annual Report and Summary
4.00 2018 Annual Financial Statement Report
5.00 2019 Annual Financial Budget Report
6.00 Proposal on 2018 Profit Distribution Plan
7.00 Proposal on Changing the Business Scope of the Company and Amending the Articles of Association
8.00 Proposal on Applying for Comprehensive Credit Line from Bank in 2019
9.00 Proposal on Employing the Company's Audit Institution in 2019
Deliberation content Profit distribution plan, annual report (summary) proposal
Announcement date of the notice of the general meeting of shareholders: September 11, 2018
corporate name Zhengdan Shares
Date of announcement 2018-09-11
Meeting type interim general meeting of stockholders
Convening method Online voting, on-site voting
Topic 1.00 Proposal on Adjusting Investment Projects with Raised Funds and Adding Investment with Own Funds
2.00 Proposal on Change of Business Scope and Amendment of Articles of Association
Deliberation content
Announcement date of notice of general meeting of shareholders: June 22, 2018
corporate name Zhengdan Shares
Date of announcement 2018-06-22
Meeting Type interim general meeting of stockholders
Convening method Online voting, on-site voting
Topic 1.00 Proposal on repurchasing the company's shares by means of centralized bidding transaction (to be voted item by item)
1.01 Purpose and purpose of share repurchase
1.02 Way to buy back shares
1.03 Price range of repurchased shares
1.04 Type, quantity and proportion of shares to be repurchased
1.05 Total amount and source of funds proposed for repurchase
1.06 Implementation period of share repurchase
1.07 Validity of resolutions
2.00 Proposal on Submitting to the General Meeting of Shareholders to Authorize the Board of Directors of the Company to Fully Handle Matters Related to the Repurchase
Deliberation content
Announcement date of notice of general meeting of shareholders: April 23, 2018
corporate name Zhengdan Shares
Date of announcement 2018-04-23
Meeting type Annual General Meeting
Convening method Online voting, on-site voting
Topic Proposal code Proposal name
1.00 2017 Work Report of the Board of Directors
2.00 2017 Work Report of the Board of Supervisors
3.00 2017 Annual Report and Summary
4.00 2017 Annual Financial Statement Report
5.00 2018 Annual Financial Budget Report
6.00 Proposal on 2017 Profit Distribution and Plan for Converting Capital Reserve into Share Capital
7.00 Proposal on Changing the Registered Capital of the Company and Amending the Articles of Association
8.00 Proposal on Applying for Comprehensive Credit Line from Banks in 2018
9.00 Proposal on Employing the Company's Audit Institution in 2018
10.00 Proposal on Adjusting the Allowance Standard of Independent Directors
11.00 Proposal on Election of Non independent Directors of the Third Board of Directors
11.01 Electing Mr. Cao Zhengguo as a non independent director of the third Board of Directors of the Company
11.02 Electing Ms. Shen Xingxiu as a non independent director of the third Board of Directors
11.03 Electing Ms. Cao Cuiqiong as a non independent director of the third Board of Directors
11.04 Electing Mr. Hu Guozhong as a non independent director of the third Board of Directors of the Company
11.05 Electing Mr. Jing Xiaoping as a Non independent Director of the Third Board of Directors of the Company
11.06 Electing Mr. Cao Pei as a non independent director of the third Board of Directors
12.00 Proposal on Election of Independent Directors of the Third Board of Directors
12.01 Electing Mr. Yue Xiufeng as the independent director of the third board of directors
12.02 Electing Ms. Xu Zhizhen as the independent director of the third Board of Directors
12.03 Electing Mr. Zhang Qi as the independent director of the third board of directors
13.00 Proposal on Election of Non employee Representative Supervisors of the Third Board of Supervisors of the Company
13.01 Election of Mr. Dong Jincai as the Non employee Representative Supervisor of the Third Board of Supervisors of the Company
13.02 Electing Mr. Yuan Weizhong as the non employee representative supervisor of the third Board of Supervisors of the Company
Deliberation content Profit distribution plan, proposal for the change of directors, proposal for annual report (abstract)
Announcement date of notice of general meeting of shareholders: 2017-05-17
corporate name Zhengdan Shares
Date of announcement 2017-05-17
Meeting Type Annual General Meeting
Convening method Online voting, on-site voting
Topic Proposal 1 Proposal on Change of Registered Capital of the Company
Proposal 2 Proposal on Amending the Articles of Association and Handling Industrial and Commercial Change Registration
Proposal 3 2016 Work Report of the Board of Directors
Proposal 4 2016 Work Report of the Board of Supervisors
Proposal 5 2016 Annual Financial Statement Report
Proposal 6 2017 Annual Financial Budget Report
Proposal 7 Proposal on 2016 Profit Distribution Plan
Proposal 8 Proposal on Applying for Comprehensive Credit Line from Banks in 2017
Proposal 9 Proposal on Employing the Company's Audit Institution in 2017
Proposal 10 Proposal on Adjusting the Allowance Standard of Independent Directors
Proposal 11 Proposal on Using Temporarily Idle Raised Funds for Cash Management
Proposal 12 Proposal on Formulating the Major Operation and Investment Decision making System
Proposal 13 Proposal on Amending the Rules of Procedure of the General Meeting of Shareholders
Proposal 14 Proposal on Amending the Management System of Raised Funds
Proposal 15 Proposal on Amending the Administrative Measures for Foreign Investment
Proposal 16 Proposal on Amending the Administrative Measures for Financing and External Guarantee
Deliberation content Profit distribution scheme
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