- six hundred and eighty-eight thousand four hundred and seventy-two


-    -

Yesterday's closing: - Opening today: - Maximum price: - minimum price: -
Market value: - RMB 100 million circulation: - deal: - Hand to hand: -
CSI (688472) - Equity Structure
·Change date twenty million two hundred and forty thousand six hundred and thirty twenty million two hundred and forty thousand six hundred and eleven twenty million two hundred and thirty-one thousand two hundred and thirty-one twenty million two hundred and thirty-one thousand two hundred and eleven twenty million two hundred and thirty thousand seven hundred and ten
·Date of announcement twenty million two hundred and forty thousand eight hundred and twenty-three twenty million two hundred and forty thousand six hundred and one twenty million two hundred and forty thousand four hundred and twenty-seven twenty million two hundred and thirty-one thousand two hundred and two twenty million two hundred and thirty thousand seven hundred and eleven
·Share Capital Structure Chart
Click to view details
Click to view details
Click to view details
Click to view details
Click to view details
·Reason for change periodic report Other listings periodic report Other listings Over allotment
·Total share capital (History) 368821732 shares 368821732 shares 368821732 shares 368821732 shares 368821732 shares
Tradable shares
Circulating A-share (History) 13819104300 shares 138494703 shares 4514826100 shares 4600953100 shares 43406882 shares
Senior management stock -- -- -- -- --
Restricted A-share (History) 2306306900 shares 2303270300 shares 3236734710 shares 322812201 shares 3254148500 shares
Circulating B shares -- -- -- -- --
Restricted B shares -- -- -- -- --
Circulating H-shares -- -- -- -- --
National shares -- -- -- -- --
State owned legal person shares -- -- -- -- --
Domestic legal person shares -- -- -- -- --
Domestic initiator shares -- -- -- -- --
Raising corporate shares -- -- -- -- --
General corporate shares -- -- -- -- --
Shares held by strategic investors -- -- -- -- --
Fund shareholding -- -- -- -- --
Allotment -- -- -- -- --
Internal staff shares -- -- -- -- --
Preferred stock -- -- -- -- --
CSI (688472) - Equity Structure
·Change date twenty million two hundred and thirty thousand six hundred and thirty twenty million two hundred and thirty thousand six hundred and nine twenty million two hundred and ten thousand six hundred and twenty-eight
·Date of announcement twenty million two hundred and thirty thousand eight hundred and twenty-three twenty million two hundred and thirty thousand six hundred and eight twenty million two hundred and ten thousand six hundred and twenty-eight
·Share Capital Structure Chart
Click to view details
Click to view details
Click to view details
·Reason for change periodic report IPO Share capital before issuance
·Total share capital (History) 36070588200 shares 36070588200 shares 3066 million shares
Tradable shares
Circulating A-share (History) 43406882 shares 4224195200 shares --
Senior management stock -- -- --
Restricted A-share (History) 3172990000 shares 3184639300 shares 3066 million shares
Circulating B shares -- -- --
Restricted B shares -- -- --
Circulating H-shares -- -- --
National shares -- -- --
State owned legal person shares -- -- --
Domestic legal person shares -- -- --
Domestic initiator shares -- -- --
Raising corporate shares -- -- --
General corporate shares -- -- --
Shares held by strategic investors -- -- --
Fund shareholding -- -- --
Allotment -- -- --
Internal staff shares -- -- --
Preferred stock -- -- --

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