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Huaxia Bank (600015.SH)

Limit: @ up_limit@
Limit: @ down_limit@
@date@ @time@
Temporary suspension
Today: @open@ Volume: @volume@ Amplitude: @swing@
Maximum: @high@ Turnover: @amount@ turnover rate: @turnover@
Minimum: @low@ Total Market Value: @totalShare@ P/B ratio: @pb@
Received yesterday: @preClose@ Current market value: @cvs@ P/E ratio TTM @pe@
Company Profile - Huaxia Bank (600015)
corporate name: Hua Xia Bank Co., Limited
English name of the company: Hua Xia Bank Co.,limited
Listed market: Shanghai Stock Exchange Listing date: 2003-09-12
Issue price: five point six zero Lead underwriter: Southern Securities Co., Ltd   BOC International Securities Co., Ltd  
Date of establishment: 1992-10-14 Registered capital: 15914.9 million yuan (CNY)
Organization type: Joint-stock commercial bank Organizational form:
Secretary of the Board of Directors: Song Jiqing Company Tel.: 010-85238570,010-85239938
Secretary of the Board Tel: 010-85238570,010-85239938 Company Fax: 010-85239605
Fax: 010-85239605 Company E-mail:  
Email of the Secretary: Company website: ,
Postal Code: one hundred thousand and five Information disclosure website:
History of renaming of securities abbreviation: G Huaxia Huaxia Bank
Registered address: 22 Jianguomen Inner St, Dongcheng District, Beijing
Office address: Huaxia Bank Building, 22 Jianguomen Inner St, Dongcheng District, Beijing
Company Profile: The company, formerly known as Huaxia Bank, is a national commercial bank established solely by Shougang Corporation on October 14, 1992 with the approval of the People's Bank of China [Yin Fu (1992) No. 391]. On April 10, 1996, the People's Bank of China issued the Reply on Approving Huaxia Bank to Change its Registered Capital and Approving the Articles of Association of Huaxia Bank Co., Ltd. [Yin Fu (1996) No. 109], approving Huaxia Bank to transform itself into a joint stock limited company by means of sponsorship.
On July 21, 2003, with the approval of China Securities Regulatory Commission [ZJFXZ (2003) No. 83], Huaxia Bank Co., Ltd. issued 1 billion ordinary shares (A shares) to the public.
Main business: Absorbing public deposits; Issue short-term, medium-term and long-term loans; Handle domestic and foreign settlement; Handle bill acceptance and discount; Issuance of financial bonds; Issuing, cashing and underwriting government bonds as an agent; Buying and selling government bonds and financial bonds; Interbank lending; Buying and selling foreign exchange; Engaging in bank card business; Provide letter of credit service and guarantee; Agency collection and payment; Provide safe deposit box service; Foreign exchange settlement and sales business; Concurrent insurance agency business; Other businesses approved by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
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