
The coldest gun, the hottest blood

Recent highlights

Legendary Emperor "Crazy" for Love
No white deer, just Xiao E
Dapeng's magnificent counter attack saves unhappiness
Indonesian version of "superhero"
Faqiu Tianguan seeks dragons in troubled times
Until the end, we never looked down
Witness the legendary life of music masters
The adventure journey of "Le" was officially launched
Soothe growing pains with sincere friendship
Deliver a relaxed mindset that allows everything to happen
Liu Qingyun and Wu Zhenyu perform extreme pulling
The "atypical" future war will start immediately
The high tide of the end of the world opens

Coming online soon

Coming soon Go online on June 9
Madame Spider Predicts Future Reverses Death
Coming soon
The end of the hero series trilogy
Coming soon
Special forces fight to save the world
Coming soon
Impossible task
Coming soon
Only one world can survive a collision
Coming soon
Great interaction of classic cartoon characters in childhood
Coming soon
Bai Fumei falls in love with a silly boy

Cultivation of Actors and Actresses

Shi Huangzai Plays the Winner of Life
Textbook level martial arts films
Weak countries have no diplomacy
Wong Kar Wai's Love Swordsman
Hard life, just so headstrong

Attention, please

Four stories, one life
Hiding Place, Seeking a Kiss, Addiction
Lost City of Nightmares
Give a relief to the former love
The truth of the massacre
"Jackie Chan" Kung Fu Comedy
You're in love He's cheating

The protagonist is not a person

Disneyland in memory of the era of hand painting
The combination of pigs and birds opens up, and the fruits are endless
The fight between good and evil in the evil mirror
Disney Classic Dog Rescue
Tom Hardy changed into
Dracula's Family Play on Luxury Cruise
Chang'e and Houyi fought against nine dragons
Disappearing principal criminal
The Birth of the Continental "Black Widow"
Gong Hanlin became the inheritor of Yue Opera
Pig Gangigua Meets an Enchanting Woman
Miss Digital dominates the set
Salvation of "scum" man
Crazy Criticism of Mr. Ba, Changing Life to Save His Wife Across Time and Space
The daughter meets the abstinence bodyguard
Go to the Spring Festival with you Good
Jiaze Yuan Hao Performs Abusive Love
Meet, leave and meet again
Longfan auspicious three treasures can solve the case
A wonderful love journey across species