Apple Apple Card details disclosure: no extra charge for physical card

08:28, March 29, 2019    Global Network    Collect this article      

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   Apple Shared some details about Apple Card credit card. According to Mattew Panzarino of TechCrunch, Apple's credit card cannot support multiple users, and sharing two credit cards with a single account is not feasible here. Apple Card can only be used for one card per person and one card per account.

There is no charge for physical cards, although (titanium alloy) costs a lot. There will be no extra charge even if the card is lost. After the card is stolen, you can freeze the card in the App.

The process of opening a physical card is also extremely simple. You don't need to call to activate it. You just need to stick the card close to the iPhone, and no signature is required. However, physical cards do not support contactless payment. If you want to do so, you have to rely on iPhone.

There is no card number, CVV and other information on the physical card, but Apple Card can generate a virtual card number, which can be applied to online payment that requires card number and CVV. Wallet application will provide a virtual card number and virtual confirmation code. The number is semi permanent and can be regenerated at any time. It can be used in non Apple Pay online payment, phone shopping or other similar scenarios.

It is also worth mentioning that Apple Card uses different colors to classify users' spending, such as pink for entertainment, orange for food, and yellow for shopping. If Apple Pay is used for payment, the cards in Wallet app will generate rainbow transition colors based on consumption habits. If you often spend on food and entertainment, the colors of the cards will tend to be orange and pink.

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Article keywords: Apple entity card

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