Overseas Weekly Election | The whole story of Han Fan's invasion of African Americans

Overseas Weekly Election | The whole story of Han Fan's invasion of African Americans
08:46, June 29, 2020 Sina Technology

Produced by: Sina Technology

Compiled by: Muir

In the past week, Korean Wave fans have been in the limelight.

After strongly calling for support for the "Black Life is Life" campaign ("BLM" campaign) on social media for several days in a row, fans around the world suddenly became famous, because the use of rice rackets to crowd out police applications attracted widespread attention from mainstream media.

The death of George Freud prompted people to rise up against police violence. In order to keep the fire of protest alive, supporters are increasingly proficient in the use of social media, and food video is one of them. Throughout the Internet, supporters of the "BLM" movement use tweets, posts and topics to spread information, protect protesters and disrupt racist speech.

   What is the rice shoot?

If you haven't heard of Fanpai, here's a brief explanation. Fanpai video is a close-up video taken by fans during a live performance in a Korean idol group. (Special note: Idol videos edited by fans also belong to "meal videos". Fans may see the subtle differences, but there is no difference for passers-by.) When performing, meal videos generally focus on a member of the idol group. stay Twitter On the other hand, food videos are very popular and are a good way to promote the talent and talents of idol teams and idols.

Some people love rice photography, while others hate rice photography. From time to time, many Twitter users find that in their replies to popular posts, there are always people who release food videos to hype with the popularity of topics. So many social media users are bored with the food videos they can see everywhere: if you want to talk about other topics, they only have their idols in their eyes.

In a word, it's really disagreeable that fans can come up with this bad idea and shoot videos everywhere. However, when the target of harassment is the police, the wind assessment changes subtly:

The iWatch Dallas app of the Dallas Police Department is a localized version of the CloseWatch app, developed by Zeteky, which supports users to submit clues to the police in real time. The company's website said: "We firmly believe that if CloseWatch3 is installed on every mobile phone, the world will become safer."

During the protest, the Dallas police sent a Twitter message encouraging everyone to download the app and then submit information about the protesters to the police on the app. Then, a widely spread tweet called on Han Fan to reply with a meal photo. In theory, taking videos of junk food can prevent the police from seeing real local videos, potentially protecting the protesters.

After the news went out, fans rushed to the Dallas police app with food photos, effectively temporarily crashing the app.

Hanliu Fanpai is so popular among other Twitter users that people began to gather Fanpai troops to attack other positions. Korean Wave fans have lived up to expectations and responded quickly. They poured water under President Trump's birthday congratulation tweet.

At the Trump rally held in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the Koreans launched a strong organization and coordination capability, booked a large number of tickets for the event, and did not show up until the day of the event, which embarrassed the president who had high expectations of the rally at the beginning.

 The Tulsa rally on June 20 was "full" The Tulsa rally on June 20 was "full"

However, during the protest, there were also internal struggles in the Korean food auction. Fans will argue about how to support the black movement with the greatest sincerity. At the same time, Rice Shooting and Korean Wave cultural industries are also plagued by racism.

However, during the protest, there were also internal struggles in the Korean food auction. Fans will argue about how to support the black movement with the greatest sincerity. At the same time, Rice Shooting and Korean Wave cultural industries are also plagued by racism. However, this is by no means the first time that the Korean Wave Rice Shooting has helped the political or humanitarian cause. In addition, Korean fans continue to support the "BLM" campaign in various practical ways: the Bulletproof Youth League and its studio Big Hit announced that they would donate $1 million to the official charity fund of the "BLM" campaign. After the news came out, fans spontaneously initiated topics and pushed the donation news to the hot trend, with amazing efficiency.

In supporting the protesters, the Han fans also continue to carry forward their fine tradition of organization and discipline. After crashing the police application, they also created a completely different trend: reversing topic tags.

   Reverse Topic Tags

You must have had such an experience. After clicking a topic tag, I found that there were some off topic posts below, but the topic itself seemed irrelevant. Usually, this disharmony is mainly due to two reasons: someone sensationalizes by means of topic tags that are widely spread, or is confused and angry about topic tags, so they frantically irrigate and disturb the original topic of the tag.

It is rare for the topic tag to be deliberately distorted. But white supremacists tried to push "white life is also life" into the hot search trend, and Korean fans reversed the trend. A large number of fans work day and night just to ensure that under the topic label of "white people's life is also life", there are food videos, music posts, and other watering content.

Ironically, in order to disturb the original topic, Han fans poured water everywhere, unintentionally fulfilling the hearts of white supremacists, and pushed "white life is also life" into hot search for several consecutive days. At one time, Twitter recommended "white people's life is also life" as the theme of "Korean Wave Culture" to users, and even listed "white people's life is also life" as the popular theme of "music".

Some Twitter users pointed out that posting posts with racist tags will also keep the racist tags hot, which is obviously contrary to the original intention of Korean fans. On Instagram, although the tag of "white people's lives are also lives" has long been submerged in Korean Wave and anime content, white supremacist information and provocative stems still appear from time to time. But this inconsistency also makes labels meaningless. And on Twitter, most people seem to enjoy the whole thing:

 "Seeing how hard Han fans are working, I'm ready to fight at any time!" "Seeing how hard Han fans are working, I'm ready to fight at any time!"
 If it hadn't been for Han Fan's efforts, Twitter would have become a platform against black content. Hanfan Babies are really experts on Twitter and know their way. If it hadn't been for Han Fan's efforts, Twitter would have become a platform against black content. Hanfan Babies are really experts on Twitter and know their way.

In the cause of breaking down the topic label of white supremacists, Han fans are not fighting alone. Numerous passers-by on Twitter who are indifferent to food photography also have their own ideas to add color to the "white life".

 Support "white life is also life"? Here is a white ape life worthy of attention. The southern white cheeked gibbon is on the verge of extinction. Support "white life is also life"? Here is a white ape life worthy of attention. The southern white cheeked gibbon is on the verge of extinction.

People come up with various ways to use social media to spread information about protests and protest related activities. One of the most tactful ways is to confuse topic labels and turn support for racism into anti racism. If you give this operation a name, it might be called "Justice Richard Shake".

   Justice Richard Shake

Many friends may not be familiar with Richard Shake. In fact, it is very simple: Richard Shake originated from the network event caused by the song Never Gonna Give You Up released by Richard Aisley in 1987. People use funny bait to attract others to click on the link, but only see the music video of Never Gonna Give You Up.

What is the significance of Richard's shaking? To arouse your curiosity and disappoint you is simply to see the fool's embarrassing attitude. Like all kinds of pranks on the Internet in 2007, Richard Shake is also one of the cornerstones of Internet documents: it has accompanied the entire Internet before, now and in the future. Richard Shake is sometimes used to describe surprise or surprise someone with something totally unexpected.

Richard Shake has a wide range of uses - including inducing people to click on posts disguised as revealing celebrity tidbits on Twitter, which are all related to the "BLM" movement.

 Jay-Z's friendship with Beyonce and Rihanna is broken Jay-Z's friendship with Beyonce and Rihanna is broken

Do you think you can see the gossip of stars after clicking in? Naive! In fact, they are all links to resources to help George Freud's family.

Also, former members of the production team of Glee revealed that the star Lea Michele had a little racial prejudice when shooting. Then a Twitter user threw out a link, claiming that he had more inside information to reveal.

As an example of Richard Shake, of course, what users click in to see is not the news that startles your chin, but the link to invite visitors to donate to the "BLM" fund.

   Assassin's Mace: Disney High Voltage Copyright Policy

Disney has always been a nightmare for mixers, artists and others who want to use Disney characters and pictures to publish their works on the Internet. Disney strictly implements the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which allows the company to investigate suspected infringement and requires the author to delete any video or picture on the network that is suspected of infringing the company's copyright.

For example, last autumn, a group of artists launched a rights movement. They found an automated program to steal and sell their original works. Automatic programs upload artists' works to online stores, and then make profits by selling pictures printed on T-shirts and so on, while the original authors get nothing. What's worse, these artists often do not have enough funds to initiate time-consuming and laborious copyright litigation.

Among these rights safeguarding artists, there is a way to use copyrighted Disney works to hook automatic programs. If the works appear repeatedly, the automatic program may upload the copyrighted Disney works to the store. Once Disney's attention is attracted, Disney's legal rights and powerful means of combating infringement will bring down the store.

Although the actual effect of this method is hard to say, it at least reflects an increasingly popular idea: Disney's infringement strike action can be strategically used by people in a weak position in copyright protection.

This is also related to the recent protests. On the weekend of May 30, the infamous "gun girl" Kaitlin Bennett, a young conservative activist, attracted the attention of rightists for her videos supporting firearms and other issues. That weekend, she appeared at the protest site. Probably shooting videos for your website and YouTube channel. Careful protesters noticed that she was not protesting. So the question is, how can we stop Bennett from releasing the video of the protest? Call Disney!

The protesters at the scene then told each other to play all kinds of music together, especially the original music in Disney movies and musicals. In this way, the video uploaded by Bennett will trigger Disney's copyright mark.

What a wonderful combination of offline and online!

It also revealed the methods used by Internet users to subvert the power of large companies. Since then, the powerful power of large companies has no longer targeted the impoverished artists and creators on the Internet, but targeted the villains who undermine and fight for justice in real life.

YouTube users borrow videos to make "good money"

YouTube generally profits from its own videos for a certain purpose - that is, they will get advertising revenue generated by videos and then donate it to charities or their favorite cause.

It is worth noting that during this protest, many YouTube celebrities cashed in through protest related content. Stephanie Soo runs a very popular channel on YouTube. In the video, she eats while discussing the real crime. During the protest, she issued a sincere apology for her failure to support the fight against racism. As part of her atonement, she shared a series of true crime stories seriously affected by systematic racism, and then donated all the advertising revenue of the video to support the "BLM" campaign and the Minnesota Freedom Fund.

By donating the channel's revenue, YouTube, such as Stephanie Soo, turns their content into a tool, and people who are not well off can still support their cause in another way.

Many YouTube users also tailor their content specifically for the current atmosphere, improving people's awareness of racial equality, while still entertaining. For example, in a special video aimed at raising money for the "BLM" campaign, the protagonist is a black musician.

The ingenuity of the video cash raising trend is that it has fully played all the functions of YouTube platform in supporting the "BLM" movement and protest activities - teaching for fun and making money for creators.

All these support methods in the virtual world and the real world demonstrate the wisdom of the people and the culture of different platforms, applications and Internet communities. They also remind us that all these tools we use on the Internet need to be reasonably controlled, rather than being monopolized by one or two giants. The more diversified and decentralized the Internet, the more widely used our Internet will be.

As the protests told us, netizens around the world are already ready to give the Internet more interesting and multifaceted uses. (Muer)

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