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Mushroom Street responds to the layoff storm: optimizing 140 people requires business focus

2020-04-19 19:00:58    Record of creation micro-blog Author:   

Lei Diwang Lotte reported on April 18

After the resignation of CFO Wu Ting, Mushroom Street fell into a wave of layoffs.

It was revealed that about 140 people, accounting for 10%, were optimized in Mushroom Street, mainly in the technical department. In addition, the person in charge of the live broadcast business, Luo, has also resigned. The main reason for the personnel optimization of Mushroom Street this time is business focus.

Mushroom Street said that personnel optimization was first based on the normal adjustment of business structure. In the first quarter of 2020, the company adjusted its business model. On the basis of the original source of good goods and matching good goods, it can be seen that more and better brand goods had chemical reactions with the anchor, which made Mushroom Street firm in its determination to focus more on the live broadcast e-commerce industry, so it optimized some non strong related businesses, leading to this layoff.

"The company's continuous investment in live shopping has produced obvious user value. This adjustment mainly involves business modules that are not in the core business chain. The business adjustment is one-time, and large-scale layoffs will not occur later."

Mushroom Street pointed out that the company's personnel investment in core business links is fully guaranteed, and personnel optimization will also improve the human efficiency of Mushroom Street to a certain extent.

"In terms of the absolute number of personnel, it has decreased, but it is usually the exploratory business or the part that is less related to the main business. Our anchor operation and live broadcast supply chain teams are still expanding."

During the epidemic, the personnel optimization of Mushroom Street had a great impact on the staff return.

Mushroom Street believes that the company's decision on personnel optimization is very difficult. But in the current market environment, the first thing the company should do is to increase income and reduce expenditure, so as to ensure the interests of most employees.

Mushroom Street revealed that it would provide higher than normal compensation for the optimized employees. "The employees who have worked in Mushroom Street are excellent. We thank them for their contributions to the development of the company. We have also cooperated with headhunting agencies to help employees make targeted push and wish them better in the future."

(Statement: This article only represents the author's view, not's position.)

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