Exclusive interview with Academician Wu Hequan: 5G faces security challenges, Hongmeng has yet to be tested in application

Exclusive interview with Academician Wu Hequan: 5G faces security challenges, Hongmeng has yet to be tested in application
11:27, August 22, 2019 Sina Technology

Han Dapeng of Sina Technology

   Editor's Note:

   No one doubts the changes that 5G will bring.

   The Internet of Things, driverless, VR, industry... the emerging technologies it has spawned are constantly refreshing people's imagination of a better life in the future.

   We would like to regard this change as Thomas Kuhn's "paradigm shift": it still has many immaturities, even less than the stability of the previous generation of technology, but in the long run, it is enough to promote scientific change and turn over a new chapter in communication - that is, to change the world.

   People can't help wondering: what are the advantages of 5G? What industries will it disrupt? How does the tariff change compared to 4G? What is China's 5G position in the world

   On this occasion, Sina Technology and Sina 5G Channel jointly launched the "5G Talk" series of video columns, inviting famous people in the fields of politics, industry, education, research and application to interpret the development and landing of 5G in detail, and answer questions for readers.

 Wu Hequan Wu Hequan


Wu Hequan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, is a famous communication expert in China. He used to be the vice president of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the vice president and chief engineer of the Telecommunications Science and Technology Research Institute, and has been engaged in the research and project management of optical communication systems and digital communication networks for a long time.

   Previous guests:

   Wang Jianzhou, former Chairman of China Mobile

   Yang Chaobin, President of Huawei 5G

   Glorious President Zhao Ming

   Zhao Juntao, President of Ericsson China

   Liu Chang, Vice President of OPPO

   Zhang Yong, President of China Unicom Network Research Institute

   Qin Fei, General Manager of vivo Communication Research Institute

   Wang Xiang, Chief Strategic Officer of ZTE

   Wang Wei, Executive Vice President of Nokia Bell

   5G drives development, but it is a "double-edged sword"

In the past 10 years, Wu Hequan has turned from an expert in the traditional telecommunications field to an expert in the emerging Internet field, and even led the development direction of the Internet in China. Entering the 5G era, the 76 year old man kept speaking and interpreted complex communication technology with simple words. Recently, Wu Hequan, an exclusive interview with Sina Technology and Sina 5G, expressed his views on the advantages and disadvantages of 5G and Huawei Hongmeng.

A few days ago, Wu Hequan pointed out in public that 5G security is a "double-edged sword", which will inevitably lead to new risks.

"Why is it a double-edged sword? First of all, we should see its scene", Wu Hequan pointed out that 5G has several major features, including enhanced mobile broadband, high reliability, low latency and large connection. It will make the industrial Internet have a better connection platform, which is a positive signal.

However, the industrial Internet is also in a security "sensitive area". "Because there are many sensors that are always online, and the sensor's own security defense capability is not strong, it will bring more security risks. In other words, if the industrial Internet is attacked, it will bring much more serious consequences than the consumer Internet.".

Wu Hequan said frankly that the application of 5G will drive the development of industry digitalization on a larger scale, but it will also bring severe challenges to network security.

More importantly, 5G will use a lot of software and rely on big data and cloud computing, "so in these aspects, it will also be attacked by network security". He pointed out that 5G network will adopt an open architecture to adapt to uncertain applications in the future in an open form.

   Although Huawei Hongmeng is good, it still needs to be tested in application

Recently, Huawei officially released Hongmeng OS. From the outside world's point of view, this move blew the horn of the road of independent research and development of domestic brands.

"In fact, Huawei has developed this operating system for a long time." Wu Hequan said that the original development of this system was not entirely for mobile phones. "Huawei's starting point at that time was to hope that future communications would penetrate into all aspects, including cloud computing, the Internet of Things and other various terminals. It hoped to build a cross application operating system.".

Therefore, Hongmeng adopts a distributed structure, which is completely different from Google's existing Android operating system and Apple's iOS operating system, "When Huawei considered Hongmeng, although its first goal was not entirely mobile phones, it had taken into account the application of mobile phones in the future, so Huawei was also trying to be compatible with some Android apps, which was also conducive to the migration of Android apps to Hongmeng's operating system.".

But there are also shortcomings. "Hongmeng has just come out, can it adapt to so many applications on the mobile phone operating system?" He believes that although the design idea of Hongmeng's operation is very good and forward-looking, it still needs a process of testing applications.

   Water testing R&D 6G should not focus on technology

At present, it is reported that some communication manufacturers have started to develop 6G.

Wu Hequan said that the research of 6G should not focus on technology, but should first find out "what needs cannot be solved by 5G". In addition, it is also necessary to consider whether the cost of 6G network construction can be supported and what demand will be generated in the future.

He believes that even if some research institutions and enterprises claim to be developing 6G at present, it is also a small-scale "test". "After all, most people have not experienced 5G, let alone 6G".

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