2022 Yutang Sports Marketing Conference Held Super 400 Challenge and Won IP Award

2022 Yutang Sports Marketing Conference Held Super 400 Challenge and Won IP Award
07:40, November 11, 2022 sina sports
 2022 Yutang Sports Marketing Conference was successfully held online 2022 Yutang Sports Marketing Conference was successfully held online

On November 8, the 2022 Yutang Sports Marketing Conference was successfully held online. The theme of this conference is "drive and re creation", which is aimed at the pain points of the industry and is intended to lead the industry to think. At the same time, it also shows the vision of Yutang Sports to explore new opportunities and create new patterns with the core market participants.

The conference consists of three agendas: marketing forum, annual sports marketing selection and sports marketing project promotion meeting.

   Marketing Forum

With the theme of "Understanding the market and seizing opportunities", the marketing forum discusses in detail the new trends and opportunities of the current international and domestic sports marketing market from three major parts: market trends, competition marketing and independent IP.

The discussion section of "Market Trend" focuses on the global trend and domestic potential of sports marketing market. Simon Chadwick, professor of sports and geopolitical economics at SKEMA Business School in France, Yu Lei, senior vice president of Shenglishijia (Shanghai) Sports Culture Development Co., Ltd., and Deputy Secretary General of the Organizing Committee of China Cup Yachting Race Zhong Yong, the general manager of Shenzhen Zongheng Sihai Navigation Event Management Co., Ltd., respectively described his own prospects for the sports industry and sports marketing trends.

In the discussion section of "Competition Marketing", Ms. Pang Jing, General Manager of Brand Management Department of Hisense Group, the official sponsor of Qatar World Cup, shared an important point of view. In addition, Professor Xiao Shuhong, Dean of Business School of Beijing Sport University, and Li Hong, Chairman of Hangzhou Fude Brand Management Co., Ltd. also gave their own views and suggestions.

The discussion section of "Independent IP" focuses on this key driving force of the domestic sports event market. Zhou Bing, the competition director of China Tennis Tour, and Jiang Jiaqi, the head of the wild release plan, both expounded their respective business philosophy and market value. In addition, Yu Xingyu, CEO of Lisheng Yundong (Shanghai) Sports Technology Co., Ltd., expressed his views from the perspective of innovative IP, the combination of technology and IP system.

   Annual Sports Marketing Selection

The annual sports marketing selection continues to start from three directions of marketing cases, resource IP and marketing figures, and on this basis, the awards are subdivided from a professional perspective, highlighting the most distinctive characteristics and professional advantages of the finalists, becoming a "wind vane" worthy of learning and reference in the process of industry perception of new trends and optimization of practical effects.

The direction of sports marketing cases includes four sub awards, namely, the best integrated marketing case, the best technology marketing case, the best experiential marketing case and the best endorsement resource activation case; The IP direction of sports resources includes five sub awards, namely, the best independent innovation event IP, the best national fitness emerging event, the best outdoor leisure and experience event, the best digital and technology application and the best introduced event IP; At last, the sports marketing figure award was awarded. The specific list of winners is as follows:

   Sports marketing project promotion meeting

As one of the core segments of Yutang Sports Marketing Conference, 2023 Sports Marketing Project Promotion Conference is the first event resource promotion activity in the sports industry that truly matches the enterprise's budget setting time. It is also an annual business transaction platform built by Yutang Sports for enterprises and resource parties based on years of professional experience and platform resource advantages.

This sports marketing promotion meeting is composed of four parts, which are public participation. The projects include Sparta Warriors, Sparta Warriors Children, China Tennis Youth Plan and Wild Play Plan; High end sports, including China Tennis Tour; Sports endorsements, including Xu Jingkun, Wang Dai, the Chinese Dream Team and Li Jingliang, comprehensive combat; Asian Games marketing, including sports team, China National Tennis Team and athlete Han Xu.

   Yutang Sports Marketing Conference

Yutang Sports Marketing Conference is an annual event of China's sports marketing industry created by Yutang Sports, a world-famous sports marketing service provider. The conference was divided into three links: thought sharing, marketing project promotion, and annual awards for sports marketing. In view of the current development of sports marketing in China, and in combination with the latest trends of the industry and international advanced ideas, the conference integrated enterprises, resource parties, relevant institutions and talent resources, built a sports marketing cluster, and promoted the use of sports IP and the transaction and cooperation of sports marketing sponsorship, It has become the industry vane of China's sports marketing, leading the comprehensive development of China's sports business.

(Party A)

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