Brazil Wins 4 Consecutive Wins in Women's Volleyball World League, South Korea 3-1, Thailand Ends 30 Consecutive Losses

Brazil Wins 4 Consecutive Wins in Women's Volleyball World League, South Korea 3-1, Thailand Ends 30 Consecutive Losses
06:44, May 20, 2024 sina sports
 Brazil Women's Volleyball Team Celebrates Victory Brazil Women's Volleyball Team Celebrates Victory

According to the news on May 20, Beijing time, after six competition days, the competition for the first week of the 2024 World Women's Volleyball League in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, has ended. On the closing day, Brazil swept Serbia 3-0 to win 4 consecutive victories, the United States won the second victory 3-0 with a light victory over Dominica, and South Korea beat Thailand 3-1 to beat the 30 consecutive defeats in the World Cup finals.

   Brazil Women's Volleyball Team 3-0 Wins Serbia Women's Volleyball Team

Brazil, the host of three consecutive victories, ended the first week with Serbia, which did not send all the main players to participate. Brazil, whose strength is better than that of the opponent, won four straight sets and scored 12 points in all, with the scores of 25-15, 25-19 and 25-19 in the three sets. Serbia's score in the first week of the round was 1-3 with 3 points.

Brazil's main attack Gaby won the scoring crown with 15 points, while Rosamaria contributed 12 points and Anna Christina scored 11 points. Serbia's substitute Alessandro Vierika and substitute main attacker Ivanovic scored 9 points together.

   American Women's Volleyball Team Wins Dominican Women's Volleyball Team 3-0

The United States and Dominica, the two strong countries in Central and North America, met in the final round of Brazil. The more balanced American women's volleyball team broke through 3-0 and ended the first week of the World League competition with a score of 2 wins and 2 losses with 6 points. The scores of the three games were 25-23, 25-20 and 25-18. The defeated Dominican Women's Volleyball Team scored two wins and two losses with six points in the first week.

The main attack of the United States, A-Skinner, scored 18 points, the secondary attack, Ogborgu, scored 12 points, and the main attack, Larsson, scored 11 points. Dominica's only main attack, B-Martinez, scored 11 points, and its main attack, Petunia, scored 9 points.

   South Korea Women's Volleyball Team Wins Thailand Women's Volleyball Team 3-1

Thailand and South Korea, the two Asian powers that have not yet won the final battle. The South Korean Women's Volleyball Team defeated the opponent 3-1 after four fierce games, and ended the embarrassment of 30 consecutive defeats in the tournament after winning the first victory of nearly three world leagues. The scores of four games were 25-19, 23-25, 25-16 and 25-18. The defeated Thai team failed to win points in the first four games of the round.

South Korea's main attack Jiang Suhui scored 22 points, followed by Park Jeong Ya and the main attack Zheng Zhiyun scored 16 points, and the second attack Li Zhuya contributed 11 points. Thailand's main attack Chachuang scored its highest 17 points, and its main attack Vipawi and secondary attack Hataya scored 15 and 11 points respectively. (Caucasus)

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