Japan won the World Women's Volleyball League twice in a row, Turkey won 3-1 and Holland won the first game

Japan won the World Women's Volleyball League twice in a row, Turkey won 3-1 and Holland won the first game
07:05, May 17, 2024 sina sports

In the early morning of May 17, Beijing time, the competition of the third match day of the 2024 World Women's Volleyball League in Antalya, Turkey ended. In addition to Italy's 3-1 win over Germany, Japan won two consecutive games in a 3-0 sweep of Bulgaria, and defending champion Turkey won the first game 3-1 against the Netherlands.

   Japanese Women's Volleyball Team Wins Bulgaria Women's Volleyball Team 3-0

After defeating Turkey 3-2 on the first day, the Japanese women's volleyball team did not meet a strong challenge in the second round, and won two consecutive victories 3-0 in Bulgaria, with three sets of scores of 25-13, 25-15 and 25-15.

Lin Chennai, the Japanese counterpart, scored 14 points, 13 points for Koga Sarina and 9 points for Masayuki Ishikawa. Bulgaria's substitute Stoyanova scored the highest 8 points in the team.

   Turkey Women's Volleyball Team Wins Netherlands Women's Volleyball Team 3-1

In the face of the Netherlands, which is fighting for Olympic qualification, the defending champion Turkey withstood the attack of the other side and won 3-1 to win the first victory of the World League, with four scores of 25-14, 23-25, 25-23 and 25-18.

Vargas of Turkey won the scoring crown with 27 points, Karakurt and Eden scored 20 points and 16 points respectively, and Juesh scored 9 points. The Netherlands' only major player, Bouygis, scored 15 points and M Jasper, scored 9 points.

The World League Antalya, Turkey will compete on the 4th match day today. Japan versus Germany, France versus Poland, Italy versus Bulgaria. (Caucasus)

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