Thailand Open Guoyu won the first prize, and Ya Guo Xinwa and Chen Fanghui won the second prize

Thailand Open Guoyu won the first prize, and Ya Guo Xinwa and Chen Fanghui won the second prize
19:00, May 19, 2024 sina sports

On May 19, Beijing time, the Thailand Open of the 2024 World Badminton Federation World Tour came to an end. The Chinese team won one championship and two Asias on this day. Guo Xinwa/Chen Fanghui won the mixed doubles championship, while Han Yue and Chen Boyang/Liu Yi won the second place in women's singles and men's doubles respectively.

In the first men's doubles final, the Chinese badminton team Chen Boyang/Liu Yi lost two games in a row with two 15-21 games in 46 minutes, losing 0-2 to the top seed and Indian team Rangiraidi/Shetty, winning the second place. In the first game, the national feather team led 10-7 at one time, but the Indian team opened the gap and locked the victory with two waves of 4-0; In the second game, the top seed took the lead all the way at the beginning, and scored 5 consecutive points at the end of the game when he was 16-15 ahead, ending the battle.

In the women's singles final that followed, top seed Han Yue spent 56 minutes, also losing two games in a row, and was swept 0-2 (16-21/23-25) by No. 6 seed and Thai native Ge Tong to win the runner up. In the first game, Gerton scored 5 points in a row when he fell behind 3-4, and led all the way to the end; In the second game, the Thais were always ahead in the second half of the game. Han Yue saved four match points at 18-20 at the end of the game, but missed another game point, losing three points and another game.

In the final mixed doubles final, No. 5 seed Guo Xinwa/Chen Fanghui fought hard for 1 hour and 9 minutes. In the case of losing one game first, they pulled two games in a row, reversing the No. 1 seed and Thai native combination Dechapo/Shaxili 2-1 (12-21/21-12/21-18) to win the championship.

In addition, on the men's side, Li Zijia, the No. 6 seed and Malaysian player, won the championship by defeating Wu Jialang, a player from Hong Kong, China, 21-11 and 21-10 in just 34 minutes; In women's doubles, the number one seed and Thai native group Kitty Tarakur/Bazongya swept the number three seed and Indonesian group Kusuma/Amalia with two 21-14 to win the championship in 43 minutes.


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