Men win 6.04 million lottery prizes and show up to thank their sister for sending "good luck"

Men win 6.04 million lottery prizes and show up to thank their sister for sending "good luck"
07:24, May 23, 2024 Sina lottery
 Winning photo of winner Winning photo of winner

Recently, according to foreign media reports, David Atwell, an American man, was lucky enough to win $837000 (about 6.047 million yuan) in the "cash5" lottery. It is very interesting that David's sister dreamed of a large amount of gold not long ago. When David learned that it was a good omen, he bought this lottery ticket that won 837000 dollars.


The winner is named David Atwell and lives in Cannapolis, North Carolina, USA. Atwell recalled the scene before winning the lottery, still feeling magical. David's sister had a dream about a lot of gold not long ago, so she immediately told David; David thought it was a good omen. He immediately spent $1 to buy a "Cash 5 Lottery" at the local store, but unexpectedly won a prize of $837000.

After David learned that he had won the prize, he shared his joy with his family at the first time, and his family also expressed congratulations to David: "You are the luckiest person in our family! Go to cash the prize!" So David quickly contacted the local lottery agency, and after a few days of calm mood, he took his family to go through the cash formalities on April 30, and gladly accepted media interviews and group photos.

At the prize cashing scene, David Atwell first thanked his sister for bringing good luck. Recalling the feeling at the moment when he won the prize, David still feels incredible. He was shocked when he learned that he won the prize. It is reported that David chose to receive a one-time award, with an after tax bonus of 598000 US dollars (about 4.32 million yuan). As for the purpose of the bonus, David said that part of the bonus will be used to repay the loan, and the other part will be donated to the church he often goes to. The rest will be saved before making plans.

(Lucky star)

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