37 million of 69 year old people only want to buy bicycles: they already have a premonition

37 million of 69 year old people only want to buy bicycles: they already have a premonition
07:30, May 16, 2024 Sina lottery

Recently, according to media reports, an old man from Montreal, Canada, hit the grand prize of 7 million Canadian dollars (about 37 million yuan) in the "Grande Vie" lottery. Before winning the lottery, he had a premonition of good things coming through astrology. Nevertheless, he was so excited after he found that he had won the grand prize that he could not sleep while tossing and turning in bed. When talking about what he wants most after winning the grand prize, he said he only wants to buy a bicycle.


The winner is Robert Gareau, an astrologer. Now 69 years old, he has been writing constellations and astrology related columns for various newspapers and magazines for decades. At the same time, he likes to play lottery in his spare time to add some surprises to life. A few days ago, Gallo found Jupiter and Uranus in a straight line through stargazing. This rare phenomenon made him feel that something good was about to happen. Then he bought a "Grande Vie" lottery ticket and was ready to take a chance.

The lottery number of "Grande Vie" was 03, 12, 15, 19, 37, and the special number was 4. A total of one lottery ticket hit the first prize in the current period. Gallo woke up at 4 am and opened his mobile phone to check whether he had won the prize. When he found out that he had won the big prize, he tried to make himself calm. He went back to bed and wanted to go back to sleep, but Gallo, who was already in a state of excitement, could not sleep. He tossed and turned in bed and could not sleep.

When arriving at the prize redemption site, Gallo can choose to receive 1000 Canadian dollars a day or 7 million Canadian dollars in a lump sum. Considering his age, Gallo decided to take away the award of 7 million Canadian dollars (about 37 million yuan) at one time. When it comes to the dream or plan after winning the grand prize, Gallo's answer is surprising. He said that he didn't want to change to a luxury car, but just wanted to buy a bike to exercise. (broky)

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