189 million missed! 26.38 million lottery tickets bought by five brothers and sisters in 20 years - Picture

189 million missed! 26.38 million lottery tickets bought by five brothers and sisters in 20 years - Picture
07:09, May 13, 2024 Sina lottery
 Five Canadian brothers and sisters received the award on site Five Canadian brothers and sisters received the award on site

Recently, five brothers and sisters from Quebec, Canada, bought 6/49 lotteries together, and were lucky to win a huge prize of 5 million Canadian dollars (about 26.38 million yuan). Jean Marc, the youngest of the five brothers and sisters, has organized everyone to buy lottery tickets together since 20 years ago. This habit has persisted for 20 years! A few days ago, they were very lucky to hit the first prize and gave an interview. It is understood that the probability of winning all 6 basic numbers of the lottery 6/49 is 1/13983816 (7 prize numbers, 6 basic numbers and 1 special number will be issued for the lottery 6/49).


The five brothers and sisters are Francine, Jean Marc, Monique, Rachel and Yves Desmarais. They all live in Quebec Province. More than 20 years ago, at the suggestion of Mark, the youngest brother, the family began to buy lottery tickets together. On April 24, the 6/49 lottery ticket bought by the five brothers hit 6 of the 7 basic numbers; Although it missed the big prize of 36 million Canadian dollars (about 189 million yuan), it also hit the big prize of 5 million Canadian dollars.

On the second day of the lottery, Mark saw that someone had won a huge prize, and the lottery ticket was sold in Gatineau, Quebec, Canada. So he quickly checked his winning lottery ticket. Unexpectedly, the lottery ticket in his hand won a huge prize! In order to confirm whether they really won the lottery, Mark went to the store and asked the clerk to check the tickets. After confirming that they had won 5 million Canadian dollars, Mark immediately called his brothers and sisters, and the whole family got together to celebrate.

Recently, five brothers and sisters appeared together to receive the bonus. As for the bonus plan, Mark plans to continue working and buy another apartment, leaving his current house to his son. Other brothers and sisters also plan to use the money to buy a new house.


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