Selected lottery experts: Tang Senhua, the sky cannon and the first class in the middle class 11.48 million

Selected lottery experts: Tang Senhua, the sky cannon and the first class in the middle class 11.48 million
10:59, May 11, 2024 Sina lottery

On May 11 (Saturday), Beijing time, the digital lottery games of today and tomorrow are mainly big lottery, happy 8, lucky 3D and permutation 3. Experts predict that Tang Senhua and the Sky Gun have scored 11.48 million yuan in the first class lottery of CUHK, 4+1 in the second class lottery of 880000 yuan in Aoyama, 880000 yuan in Zhou Hongzhong has won the second class three times, and 880000 yuan in Zeng Gezhong has scored 49.27 million yuan. Come and see more plans!

  ★★★★ Industry authoritative lottery expert ★★★★

   [ Selected by lottery experts]

Tang Senhua's big lottery: the last direct hit won 11.48 million yuan! 5+2 attack again in this period! [See today's recommendations]

The big lottery of the skyrocket: the first class won 11.48 million yuan in the last success! 5+2 punch in this issue! [See today's recommendations]

Qingshan Lotto: the second prize in the last forecast won 880000 yuan, and the 4+1 in the small order won 1590000 yuan in the near future, and this issue will pursue the big prize again [See today's recommendations]

Zeng Geda's lottery: the second prize in the last forecast was 880000 yuan, and the first and second prize in the recent forecast was 49.27 million yuan [See today's recommendations]

Zhou Hong's big lottery: the second prize in the last forecast won 880000 yuan, and the recent cumulative forecast won 2.41 million yuan. This is another big prize [See today's recommendations]

He Ming's big lottery: 170000 won the third prize in the last forecast, and 19.21 million won the first and second prizes in the early forecast of the big lottery double color ball [See today's recommendations]

Hong Nana's big lottery: last 4+2 won 170000 yuan! This issue focuses on the first prize! [See today's recommendations]

Li Sijian's big lottery: 170000 won by 4+2 in the last midterm! 4+1 in Xiaodan, continue to pursue! [See today's recommendations]

The Little Prince's big lottery: 4+2 in the previous forecast, and the second prize of the big lottery of the double color ball in the previous forecast won 4.54 million yuan in total [See today's recommendations]

Fan Liang's big lottery: 4+2 in the previous forecast won 170000 yuan, and 3+1 in the small order, making up for the deficit in the current period [See today's recommendations]

Rose Lotto: 4+2 in the last forecast, the number killing in the front area is all right, and 29 million in the previous forecast [See today's recommendations]

Chen Taopu's big lotto: successfully hit 4+2 in the last period and took 170000 yuan! Continue to double cast this period! [See today's recommendations]

Chen Bing's big lottery: 4+2 in the last forecast and 12.67 million yuan in the first prize in the early forecast [See today's recommendations]

Shendonghu Lotto: 170000 yuan was gained by 4+2 in the last mid-term, and we look forward to winning the big prize by 5+2 in one round! [See today's recommendations]

Bull's big lottery: accurate hit 4+2 in the last period won 170000! We are looking forward to winning the prize! [See today's recommendations]

Qi Tian Wins the Big Lotto: 4+2 in the last forecast, and 29.44 million won the first and second prizes of the double color ball in the early forecast [See today's recommendations]

Hua Rong's lottery: 4+2 in the previous forecast, the number killing in the front area is all right, and 16.7 million in the previous forecast [See today's recommendations]

Bogota Lotto: 4+2 in the last forecast, and 2.17 million in the second prize of double color ball in the previous forecast [See today's recommendations]

Song Yuncong's big lottery: 170000 yuan in the last 4+2! The 050 issue is just in the middle of 4+1, and it will be re launched in this issue! [See today's recommendations]

   [Today Fortune 3D Expert Selection]

Zhang Qi Fucai 3D: 4 direct elections in the latest 5 forecasts, 2 yards in the six fold model of the last forecast group, and 2 yards in the current forecast span [See today's recommendations]

Zhang Jing Fortune 3D: 3 consecutive mid-term direct elections! Direct selection in the last forecast, one single bet for one code! [See today's recommendations]

Xu Lianhe Lucky Lottery 3D: won two prizes in the last three forecasts, and won one yard in the last round [See today's recommendations]

   [Happy Today 8 Expert Selection]

Black Swan Happy 8: 9 yards, 2 yards, 3 yards, 4 yards, 4 yards, 4 yards, 3 yards, 2 yards for two consecutive periods [See today's recommendations]

Acai Happy 8: 8 yards in the last forecast, 7 yards in the 120 forecast [See today's recommendations]

   [Rank three today Expert Selection]

Jianghua Rank 3: 3 consecutive forecast winners, 4 consecutive winners in this issue [See today's recommendations]

Yifeng ranked third: three winners in the last four forecasts, and the last forecast hit the group selection [See today's recommendations]

Scholar Ranking 3: Two consecutive predictions hit the direct selection, and this issue is optimistic about the popularity of even numbers [See today's recommendations]

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