Theophile rises to the second best person in the world with a bonus exceeding 10 million dollars

Theophile rises to the second best person in the world with a bonus exceeding 10 million dollars
11:09, May 20, 2024 sina sports

On May 20, Beijing time, no one could catch up with Scotty Schaeffler in the near future, but Zander Cheofeler was close to the top in the world ranking and the Federal Cup ranking after winning the US PGA championship.

Zand Schaefer won 100 world points because of this victory, and his world ranking reached the second place in his career. At the same time, his ranking in the Federal Cup remained the second place, narrowing the gap between him and Scotty Schaefer.

This Sunday saw 750 points in the Confederation Cup, and Zander Schaefer is 1417 points behind Scotty Schaefer. Scotty Schaeffler tied for eighth place at Valhalla Golf Club with 191 points.

Zand Theophile is quite stable this season. Before coming to Valhalla, he won seven top ten places in 11 competitions, including runner up in the players' championship and Wells Fargo Bank's championship. Because of this victory, he won 3.33 million dollars, and the bonus of this season exceeded 10 million dollars.

(light wind)

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