US PGA Championship Club Coach Weiwu Wells starts with 69 strokes

US PGA Championship Club Coach Weiwu Wells starts with 69 strokes
At 13:20 on May 17, 2024 sina sports

On May 17, Beijing time, a club coach performed brilliantly in the first round of the PGA Championship in the United States. Jeremy Wells won a 15 foot birdie push on hole 13, and then saved a difficult handkerchief on hole 14, 266 yards. Then he hit the ball directly into the hole on the fairway of hole 15, and the ball stopped a few inches at the edge of the hole cup.

"I won a series of 3-3-3 at the foot of the mountain. At that time, I knew it would be a special day," he said.

Jeremy Wells gently pushed the ball into the hole on hole 15 to catch the fourth bird, and finally handed over 69 shots, 2 below par. As PGA coach of Cypress Lake in Fort Myers, Florida, his ranking in the 32nd parallel is obviously respected.

It must be better than his debut at Oak Hill.

First of all, Oak Hill is more compact and much harder than the soft Walhara. At the same time, it was his debut on the big stage.

"When I showed up at Oak Hill last year, I was probably more tired," Jeremy Wells said. "After four rounds of 18 hole practice, I may have overdone it. I had a great time, but for players like us, when you come to such a game, you never know whether you can play another round, right? So there is no regret."

This time Jeremy Wells came to Valhalla with a plan. He should be more disciplined. He also made full use of what he thought was a lucky moment before the game began. As he waited for the kick-off, he sneaked between Max Horma and Scotty Schaeffler.

"I was at the No. 1 tee today. There were 12 people watching, and I knew every one of them," Jeremy Wells said. "Yesterday was really great. I could have the experience of yesterday. I was so excited and nervous in the practice round, and I hit the ball well. I really survived."

He also survived Thursday, becoming the second club coach to break 70 in the first round of the PGA Championship in the past 20 years. The other is Bob Sowards. He made 69 shots at the beginning of the Atlanta Sports Club, but Bob Saworth was eliminated in the end.

Speaking of Michael Block, of course, he is already very famous. Last year, he hit a hole in the last round of Oak Hill, and then successfully pushed Baopa in the last hole, winning 15 places in a row. He also won the ticket of Valhalla, making this tournament have 21 club coaches.

Michael Bullock hit 8 shots on the second hole on Thursday, four bogeys, although he didn't make a single shot into the obstacle zone on that hole. His score reached+5 after 2 holes. But from there, he limited the damage and turned in 76 shots at the beginning.

(light wind)

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