PGA Championship Xie Ofeilehong 62 shots ahead of wheat T5 Woods 72 shots

PGA Championship Xie Ofeilehong 62 shots ahead of wheat T5 Woods 72 shots
08:59, May 17, 2024 sina sports

On May 17, Beijing time, the gold medalist of the Tokyo Olympic Games Zande Shaofeler played the best golf in his life, but he didn't have a trophy to prove it. At least Thursday, he put his name in the record book of the PGA Championship in the United States, and entered the record book of the Grand Slam again.

Zand Theophile took hold of the soft ground in Valhalla because of the rain and hit 62 strokes of zero bogey, creating the lowest stroke in the history of the PGA Championship in the United States. However, in such a day of frequent low shots, he was just three shots ahead of Tony Finau, Sahith Theegala and Mark Hubbard.

Zander Shaofeler, a 30-year-old from California, can keep an objective attitude.

"This is just the first day," he said. "I'm very satisfied with my performance. I don't have many ideas. I will continue to play tomorrow."

This round is very special. Zander Shaofeler pushed once for 12 times, and two of them were Paula putts that he thought were very important. He didn't catch the birds more than one hole apart until the end of two consecutive rounds.

Zand Theophile is very popular because he works with Justin Thomas, a native of Louisville, and Tiger Woods sets out next, followed by McRoy. This is his second time to hit 62 shots in a Grand Slam. He also equalled the record number of shots in the opening of last year's US Open.

Tony Ferno also set out in the morning and caught six birds, without bogey. Sohist Skala has seven birds and one bogey. Mark Hubbard set out in the afternoon and caught three birds in the last four holes, including the 31 foot long push in hole 15, the 4 foot attack in hole 17 and all the birds in hole 18.

McIlroy submitted his divorce application on Monday, and it seems that he was not affected much. After the transition, he caught three birds in a row and played 66 shots. He played with Robert MacIntyre, Tom Hoge, Joohyung Kim, Thomas Detry, Colin Morikawa, Maverick McNealy And other contestants ranked fifth.

Defending champion Brooks Copka hit 67 shots. When finishing, he hit the second shot of 3 feet on hole 7 to harvest the eagle, and pushed 37 feet on hole 8 to catch the bird. The world's first Scotty Schaeffler came back to play after three weeks' rest. He hit the first hole directly from 167 yards away to win the Hawk, and also handed in 67 shots, ranking 12th.

Tiger Woods ended up with three consecutive attempts to swallow Bogey, hitting 72 shots, ranking 85.

(light wind)

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