Sagatrap, Meitel Beach, 4 shots ahead Dou Zecheng T31 Yuan Yechun T59

Sagatrap, Meitel Beach, 4 shots ahead Dou Zecheng T31 Yuan Yechun T59
09:20, May 12, 2024 sina sports

On May 12, Beijing time, Chris Gotterup hit 65 strokes on Saturday, six strokes below the par, and expanded his lead to four strokes when there was still one round left in the first Meitel Beach Classic of the US Tour.

Chris Gatorap started with 66-64 shots, leading one shot today. He caught seven birds and swallowed a bogey in the afternoon when the sun was shining and the wind speed was only 12 miles per hour. At the end of the round, he took a 17 foot birdie push at the 18th hole of Sand Dune Golf Beach Club.

The 24 year old students at the University of Oklahoma worked hard to win the first American Tour in their 27th competition. His three round result was 195, 18 under par, and his four shot advantage equaled the biggest advantage of this season.

Erik Van Rooyen (65 strokes), Jorge Campillo (67 strokes) and Robert MacIntyre (68 strokes) are in the second place.

Eric Fan Luyan won the US Tour twice. Among the top six players, he is the only one who has won the championship.

Yu Jun'an, a Chinese taipei player, pushed a 40 foot eagle at the fourth hole and the fifth hole, and then caught five birds at the back nine holes, hitting 66 shots. He made 202 shots (67-69-66) in three rounds, 11 below par, and ranked seventh.

Dou Zecheng bounced back from a bogey on the previous nine holes. After the transition, he caught three birds and hit 69 shots. He made 206 shots (65-72-69) in three rounds, 7 shots below par, and ranked 31st.

Yuan Yechun shot 71 strokes with two birdies and two bogies, and three rounds of 210 strokes (67-72-71), 3 strokes lower than the par, tied at 59.

(light wind)

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