The Wells Fargo Championship continues to lead Theophile McRoy Day T2

The Wells Fargo Championship continues to lead Theophile McRoy Day T2
09:19, May 11, 2024 sina sports

On May 11, Beijing time, Xander Schauffele was on the front page of the leading list most of the year, and now he hopes to close the door.

On Friday, he hit 67 shots in Panic Valley, 4 below par, and scored 131 (64-67) in two rounds, 11 below par. When he entered the weekend of Wells Fargo Bank Championship, he was 4 shots ahead of McRoy and Jason Day.

Mcroy made 68 strokes and Jenson Day made 67 strokes, with 135 strokes, 7 strokes lower than the par, ranking second.

Taylor Moore and Sungjae Im both hit 68 shots in two consecutive rounds, 136 shots in two consecutive rounds, 6 below the par, and ranked fourth.

30 year old Zander Shaofeler has already had seven top ten places this season, but has not yet won. He looks forward to ending the embarrassment of not having won the Scottish Open in 2022.

"I knocked on the door a few times. I told myself to keep knocking," said Zander Cheofiler.

Zand - Theophile said that he has been thinking about the drought of the championship, but added that the hardest part is to stay in the present.

Colin Morikawa shot 70, falling to the sixth place alone. An Bingxun shot 68 shots, ranking seventh.

(light wind)

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