Netherlands Open Miguel Ozga Hole Wins the Fourth Championship of Individual European Tour

Netherlands Open Miguel Ozga Hole Wins the Fourth Championship of Individual European Tour
05:31, June 24, 2024 sina sports

On June 24, Beijing time, Italian player Guido Migliozzi caught three birds at the 18th hole of Amsterdam International Golf Club on Sunday - two birds were caught in the extension match - and won the KLM Netherlands Open.

This is also the fourth European Tour champion in the career of a 27 year old player.

During the race, Quito Miglioz pushed an 8-foot birdie push and hit 70 shots, scoring 273 shots (68-69-66-70) in four rounds, 11 below par, and drawing at the top of the table with Marcus Kinhult and Joe Dean.

Marcus Sinhout of Sweden performed smoothly in the last round, catching four birds and swallowing one bogey. He continued to catch birds on holes 16 and 17, but Paula hit 68 on hole 18.

England player Joe Dean bounced back from two consecutive bogeys during the transition, caught five birds on the last nine holes, and also hit 68 shots.

For the first time, all three players catch birds. In the second hole, Joe Dean made the first mistake and hit the long grass at the kick-off, only three times. Marcus Sinhout shot short when attacking the green. The ball fell into the lake and was the first to withdraw from the championship.

Quito Miglioz hit the par five hole twice, then the eagle pushed it to 2 feet, successfully caught the bird and won.

Denmark's Rasmus Hojgaard scored 70 shots, and Italy's Andrea Pavan caught 6 birds and hit 65 shots of zero bogey. They tied for the fourth place with 274 shots, 10 below par.

Mikko Korhonen, a Finnish player, had been at the top of the leading list for the first three days, but only played 75 strokes on Sunday, falling to the 10th place in the ranking.

(light wind)

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