The ninth hole of the Oriental Pearl Lin Qianhui encounters a strange case, playing two balls in one hole

The ninth hole of the Oriental Pearl Lin Qianhui encounters a strange case, playing two balls in one hole
08:21, May 24, 2024 sina sports
 Lin Qianhui Lin Qianhui

On May 23, Beijing time, Lin Qianhui, a 20-year-old girl from Beijing, met with a big problem when making a transition in the second round of the Beijing Women's Challenge. She hit a left bar, and the ball hit a tree in the woods. She did not see the landing point.

The referee started timing her at this time. Just when the referee felt that the 3-minute time for finding the ball was up and the ball needed to be identified as missing, the staff of the live video broadcast found the ball. This is less than 5 seconds from the time the referee said.

There was a dispute between the two sides. Did Lin Qianhui find the ball within the specified time? The referee Li Qiuchen intervened, but he couldn't make a decision at the moment, so Lin Qianhui was asked to play two balls. One ball was regarded as missing, and the other was not. The number of strokes of both balls was counted, and it was confirmed when the scorecard was handed in.

When Lin Qianhui continued to compete, Li Qiuchen called the video at that time, but still could not determine, so Lin Qianhui's score on hole 9 was blank until she finished the round and returned to the event office.

"We think that when you go into the woods and start looking for the ball, you start to count. In fact, you consciously look for the ball. When you look at the side, you start to count the time, so this ball is counted as a missed ball," said Lin Qianhui.

In fact, it was a lost ball, but it was better for Lin Qianhui because she played two balls, one of which was counted as a lost ball, and she played a double bogey, while the other one, she was flustered and played a three bogey.

So in the end, Lin Qianhui was not so uncomfortable to accept the "missing ball".

Lin Qianhui played 70 shots in the first round, one of the four parallel leaders. For her, today she earned more and spent more. She caught a total of seven birds, including two double bogeys. After the ball loss incident, she swallowed two bogeys in the following three holes and handed in 71 shots, 141 shots in two rounds, three shots below the par, two shots behind the two leaders Huang Jing and Liu Yujie. It should be said that in the last round, she still has the opportunity to catch up and achieve the first victory in the women's tour.

"I wasted a lot of time there. I was several holes behind. After the transition, the three holes in front were also very anxious because I wanted to catch up with the time. I played a bird on the fourth hole, and the state came back a little bit, and then followed a little bit," said Lin Qianhui.

Beijing girls try hard to see the positive side in a bad day. "I made two mistakes. If I didn't make two mistakes, I could catch nine birds because it was a simple two mistakes," she said

(light wind)

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