Aiqidao's solemn statement on infringement by a company in Shenzhen

Aiqidao's solemn statement on infringement by a company in Shenzhen
12:00, May 24, 2024 Sina Sports Comprehensive

Recently, students' parents reported that a company in Shenzhen had uploaded some teaching videos of Aiqidao (Beijing) Culture Communication Co., Ltd. in its Go app without our company's permission. The above behavior seriously infringed our company's intellectual property rights, and our company has taken legal measures to protect our rights. On May 24, 2024, the infringer publicly apologized on the official website, for which our company solemnly declared as follows:

All the course products of our company are taught in Aiqidao Weiqi APP. Any organization or individual who has engaged in or is engaged in the above infringements should immediately stop infringing, delete and destroy all infringing products and contents, and should not spread, sell or illegally use them in any way.

At the same time, users are welcome to report violations of our company's rights and products, and provide comprehensive and authentic evidence materials. After investigation and evidence collection, our company will transfer it to the judicial authority for handling and seriously investigate all violations!  

Report hotline: 400-156-5526

Aiqidao (Beijing) Culture Communication Co., Ltd

May 29, 2024

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