Beihai: cut the "big cake" of deep integration of Weizhou Island culture+sports+tourism

Beihai: cut the "big cake" of deep integration of Weizhou Island culture+sports+tourism
17:17, May 23, 2024 Sina Sports Comprehensive

As a sunrise industry, health industry and happiness industry, sports industry is an important part of building a new development pattern and an important support for people's high-quality life. Beihai, Guangxi, has established a market-oriented operation mode of "government policy guidance+enterprise operation management+industry business guidance+university talent support" in Weizhou Island, and an operation management mode of "large-scale event brand promotion+on-site promotion of sports tourism service enterprises" and "director of tourism district management committee+support of sports tourism administrative department", Constantly accelerate the cultivation and expansion of the main body of the culture+sports+tourism market, fully release the consumption potential of culture+sports+tourism, and provide high-quality sports+tourism services for tourists from the country and other countries in the world.

 Weizhou Island photographed by UAV Weizhou Island photographed by UAV

On December 8, 2023, the General Administration of Sport of China and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism jointly released the list of 2023 national sports tourism demonstration bases and held a grand awarding ceremony. Weizhou Island Leisure Sports Tourism Resort was officially recognized and awarded, becoming the first national sports tourism demonstration base in Beihai and the only national sports tourism demonstration base in Guangxi in 2023.

In Weizhou Island, coral species continue to increase. The annual migration of migratory birds reaches more than 100000. The vegetation coverage rate of the island exceeds 85%. The content of negative oxygen ions is 50 to 100 times that of inland cities. In recent years, the operation and management of Weizhou Island Tourist Area has adopted the mode of introducing sports base cooperation management by Weizhou Island Tourist Area Management Committee. Adhere to targeted investment attraction in Weizhou Island, cultivate new formats of cultural and sports tourism, promote high-end development of the whole industrial chain of "food, accommodation, travel, shopping, entertainment and learning", and meet the diversified needs of tourists on the island. At present, there are 8 diving companies in the tourist area, equipped with 15 diving transport ships; Four motorboat operating companies are equipped with 216 motorboats, including 10 keel sport yachts, 2 12 crew yachts, 7 professional fishing boats, 1 submarine, 10 sightseeing boats, 1 emergency rescue boat, 2 natural swimming areas and 13 km long island roundabout leisure riding trails.

"Through the successful holding of many events, Beihai has not only been promoted in an all-round and multi angle manner, but also effectively promoted the rapid development of tourism, culture and related sports industries, and constantly promoted and expanded the influence of Beihai city. We will focus on Weizhou Island's business types to write a good article on industry optimization, and help build a" quality Beihai charm Beihai "." Li Caicai, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and director of Beihai Tourism and Sports Bureau, said that we should speed up the promotion of projects, improve the quality of the cultural and tourism industry, and accelerate the promotion of major cultural and tourism projects. Actively strengthen innovation and integration, expand the influence of Weizhou Island's culture and tourism brand, and promote the integration of culture, tourism and sports. While implementing the action of strengthening talents in sports tourism industry, we should strengthen the training of sports tourism talents in Weizhou Island from multiple dimensions, such as organizing talent training, establishing exchange and cooperation mechanisms, establishing expert think tanks, and conducting research projects.

With the improvement of living standards, people are more and more interested in leisure tourism on islands, feeling the sea, the beach, the sun, marine sports activities such as surfing and diving, and experiencing the fun of sports. Zheng Xinghua, the management committee of Weizhou Island Tourism Zone, said that Weizhou Island has introduced 60 million yuan to build the Nanwan Marine Sports Park, launched sailing, yachting, fishing, paddleboarding, diving, camping and other marine entertainment projects, provided national coaches for unpowered products, combined with the charm of Weizhou Island's marine characteristics and sports Sea fishing and other marine sports connect the Crocodile Mountain Volcano National Geopark, Dishui Danping, Zhuzai Ridge, Wucai Beach, Nanwan Street and other scenic spots, and gradually form a characteristic business with deep integration of culture, tourism and sports. The relevant person in charge of Nanwan Marine Sports Park said that the Optimist Sailing in the park has become an opportunity for young sailors to learn and understand sailing knowledge. This is of great significance for the promotion of Optimist Sailing in Beihai and even Guangxi, promoting the combination of sports and education in the region, and driving the development of youth sailing.

At the same time, Weizhou Island Tourist Area will take the opportunity of winning the National Sports Tourism Demonstration Base, make full use of existing resources, focus on building characteristic brands, introduce various sports projects through multiple channels, constantly focus on popularity, promote the in-depth integration of sports and tourism, enrich tourist experience, disseminate sports culture, and expand the supply of sports and tourism markets, The investment of about 600 million yuan was introduced to build Weizhou Island Tourism Complex, the first large-scale comprehensive holiday project on the island, and Banyan Tree Group was introduced to build a multi-functional high-end coastal leisure resort hotel. Build a batch of high-end boutique home stay groups such as Yeli Home Stay, Weiai Home Stay, Kafka, Fangdao, etc. Better meet the people's sports and tourism needs. (Quanyou)

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