International Biodiversity Day Nie Weiping Ma Xiaochun Releases Chinese Sturgeon in Han Dynasty

International Biodiversity Day Nie Weiping Ma Xiaochun Releases Chinese Sturgeon in Han Dynasty
10:49, May 23, 2024 Sina Sports Comprehensive

Source: Changjiang Ecological Protection Foundation

On May 22, the International Biodiversity Day, with a tail of Chinese sturgeon happily released into the Yangtze River, the 2024 Nie Weiping and Ma Xiaochun Wuhan "Double Dragon Cup" Go Match and the International Biodiversity Day themed public welfare activities were grandly opened on the Yangtze River in Wuhan. The ancient and mysterious art of Go is intertwined with the mission of protecting biodiversity, creating a unique brilliance.

The event was directed by China Go Association, hosted by Wuhan Radio and Television (Group), co organized by Humanwell Pharmaceutical, China Cooperation Group, Radio, Television and New Entertainment, supported by Hubei Yangtze River Ecological Protection Foundation, Wuhan Chinese Sturgeon Conservation Center, Taiwan Jiamei Culture, Richstone International Holdings, China Cooperation Go Club, Changjiang Pearl Cultural Tourism Investment Chang'e Biology and other units provide strong support. Hou Jin, director of Changjiang Ecological Protection Foundation, Wang Dalin and Guo Feng, supervisor of Changjiang Ecological Protection Foundation attended the event.

   207 Chinese sturgeons return to the mother river of the Yangtze River

The releasing scene was very lively. Nie Weiping, Ma Xiaochun, guests and staff carefully put a tail of Chinese sturgeon and other rare fish into the river. When the fish entered the water, they splashed crystal water, as if nature played a happy movement for this public welfare action. They swung and swam away happily. The unique shape of Chinese sturgeon can be clearly seen in the spray, and they are shining with the light of life in the water. The onlookers were excited and recorded the unforgettable moment with their mobile phones. A total of 207 Chinese sturgeons (30-40CM200, 70-100CM7) were released that day.

 Activity site Activity site

Nie Weiping and Ma Xiaochun are two legendary figures in the Chinese Go world. Nie Weiping Jiuduan, who is now the honorary chairman of the China Go Association, won 11 consecutive victories in the previous four China Japan Go Challenge Arena, which has had a profound impact on the popularity of Go in mainland China and still makes people excited. In 1988, he was awarded the title of "Go Saint". Ma Xiaochun Jiuduan, the first professional Go world champion in China, once set the record of 13 consecutive matches of Chinese Go celebrity wars and served as the head coach of the Chinese Go team. From May to August 1995, he won the championship of the 6th Toyo Securities Cup World Go Championships and the 8th Fujitsu Cup World Professional Go Championships, making China's first Go "double champion".

 Nie Weiping delivers a speech Nie Weiping delivers a speech
 Ma Xiaochun delivers a speech Ma Xiaochun delivers a speech

   Nie Weiping and Ma Xiaochun served as publicity ambassadors of the Yangtze River Ecological Protection Foundation

Nie Weiping and Ma Xiaochun were also invited to serve as publicity ambassadors of the Yangtze River Ecological Protection Foundation. Nie Weiping said, "The combination of Go and public welfare is like a wonderful chess game composed of black and white chess pieces. We all have a responsibility to contribute to the protection of the ecology of the Yangtze River." Ma Xiaochun said, "I am very excited to see so many rare fish return to the Yangtze River. I hope that through our actions, more people can join the team of biodiversity conservation."

 Nie Weiping and Ma Xiaochun were invited to serve as publicity ambassadors of the Yangtze River Ecological Protection Foundation Nie Weiping and Ma Xiaochun were invited to serve as publicity ambassadors of the Yangtze River Ecological Protection Foundation

Hou Jin, the rotating chairman of the Alxa SEE Yangtze River Project Center and the director of the Yangtze River Ecological Protection Foundation, said that the Yangtze River Ecological Protection Foundation has been committed to saving endangered species through environmental protection and public welfare actions and jointly building a life of the Yangtze River. In 2021, under the guidance of the Yangtze River Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and other competent departments, Hubei Yangtze River Ecological Protection Foundation, together with China Charity Federation, Hubei Charity Federation and other charitable forces, launched the "Yangtze River Fish" public welfare project, aiming to mobilize the public to effectively participate in the "restoration of endangered fish populations in the Yangtze River" and "guide scientific release, prevention and control of aquatic alien species invasion" By means of "establishing a public welfare releasing station", "building a scientific releasing publicity matrix", "carrying out scientific releasing demonstration activities" and other means, the project guides the release from disorder to order, from random to science, helps to restore endangered fish in the Yangtze River, and forms a good atmosphere for the public to deeply participate in the Yangtze River conservation and environmental protection actions in the whole society. Since the establishment of the project for 4 years, it has attracted the broad participation of the public to jointly promote the ecological protection of the Yangtze River. At present, the project has cooperated with public welfare partners to establish 8 public welfare releasing stations in many places of the country to guide the public to release scientifically; More than 30 activities were held on theme days such as the Chinese sturgeon conservation day and the 66 fish release day to help 500000 endangered native fish return to the Yangtze River.

 Hou Jin, Chairman in Office of Alxa SEE Yangtze River Project Center and Director of Yangtze River Ecological Protection Foundation Hou Jin, Chairman in Office of Alxa SEE Yangtze River Project Center and Director of Yangtze River Ecological Protection Foundation

Professor Wei Qiwei, an expert on Chinese sturgeon conservation, shared the importance of Chinese sturgeon conservation on the spot. He told everyone: "Chinese sturgeon is an important part of the Yangtze River ecosystem, which is irreplaceable for maintaining the ecological balance of the Yangtze River. The released Chinese sturgeon will help to supplement the population of Chinese sturgeon in the Yangtze River and promote the recovery and development of the Yangtze River ecosystem."

 Professor Wei Qiwei, Chinese sturgeon conservation expert Professor Wei Qiwei, Chinese sturgeon conservation expert

Liu Xin, Deputy Director of the Publicity Department of Wuhan Municipal Party Committee and Head of Wuhan Radio and Television (Group), said in his speech that the construction of ecological civilization is the fundamental plan for the sustainable development of the Chinese nation. As the core city of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, Wuhan has always adhered to high-quality development to promote high-level protection, high-quality ecological environment to support high-quality development, and has achieved economic and ecological growth and improvement for many years. A series of public welfare actions, such as releasing Chinese sturgeon and other rare fish into the Yangtze River led by two Go masters, helped raise public awareness of the great protection of the Yangtze River, and led more people to join in the action of protecting the mother river.

 Liu Xin, Deputy Director of the Publicity Department of Wuhan Municipal Party Committee, Director of Wuhan Radio and Television (Group) Liu Xin, Deputy Director of the Publicity Department of Wuhan Municipal Party Committee, Director of Wuhan Radio and Television (Group)

This public welfare release activity is an important part of the 2024 Nie Weiping and Ma Xiaochun Wuhan "Double Dragon Cup" Go Game of "Dragon Shining the Yangtze River Chess Manual", and also a public welfare practice on the International Biodiversity Day. Through this action, the organizers hope to arouse more people's attention to biodiversity conservation and contribute to the protection of the Earth's homeland.

On the day of the activity, there were also science popularization lectures and public welfare fairs. Here, I would also like to thank Chang'e Biology for pledging some Chinese sturgeon fry for this activity, Wuhan Chinese sturgeon Conservation Center for providing support for the release activity, and Huaxianzi Community Public Welfare Service Center, Bode Ecological Center, Leba Nature for providing support for the public welfare market! Thank you for your hard work!

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