Comrade Xiaoping toasts! Jin Yong's apprentice! Nie Weiping's legend is beyond imagination

Comrade Xiaoping toasts! Jin Yong's apprentice! Nie Weiping's legend is beyond imagination
17:23, May 16, 2024 Sina Sports Comprehensive

According to the official account of Go Aike Jie

Have you ever wondered why Maradona can become the national hero of Argentina and the football king, but why Messi can't? Is Maradona any better than Messi? Of course not. Messi's skill has surpassed that of Maradona, but in the eyes of Argentines, only Maradona is the champion, and Pele is not. The reason is outside football.

In 1982, Argentina was defeated by Britain thousands of miles away in the Falklands War. President Gatieri was sentenced to 12 years after his defeat. The whole Argentina was deeply immersed in national humiliation and national inferiority. In the 1986 Mexico World Cup, Argentina defeated England with Maradona's two goals, one was the hand of God, the other was God's possession, In a word, Argentina won the World Cup, and finally defeated the powerful German team to win the World Cup. Argentina's private capital self-esteem and national self-confidence were found in football. It was Maradona who gave Argentina self-esteem and self-confidence. This opportunity was only left to the Argentina team in 1986. Maradona, who was like a god, seized the opportunity. Therefore, no Argentine player can compare with Maradona in history, even if his football career achievements are high.

Similarly, no amount of world champions won by Lee Chang ho of South Korea can be compared with the first Ying's Cup champion won by his master Cao Xun hyun who defeated Nie Weiping in 1989. Therefore, after the victory, Cao Xun hyun was hailed as a Korean national hero and later called "Go Emperor". After retirement, he can become a member of the Korean Parliament. Li Changhao is only regarded as the person who has won the most Go titles in the world. After the peak period, he still plays chess in the Korean Chess Academy.

Li Changhao won the world championship like this:

Cao Xun hyun won the world championship in this way:

Nie Weiping was officially designated as a chess saint. His historical role and position are not comparable to those of other Chinese Go players. His legend is also beyond the imagination of future chess players.

Kejie Tristar Cup Winners Enjoy Happiness:

Nie Weiping's Challenge Arena Winning National Carnival:

The dinner of Go League A is the dinner:

The dinner after the victory of the China Japan Go Challenge Arena is a state banquet celebrating with the people:

State banquet in the Great Hall of the People attended by state leaders

All this is due to the high attention paid by the state and society to the China Japan Go Challenge Arena. The Chinese Women's Volleyball Team and the Chinese Go were the two sports most concerned by the Chinese people in the 1980s. Throughout the 1980s, the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team and the Chinese Go have been using their incredible achievements to constantly improve the national image, boost and encourage the national spirit of self-respect, self-improvement and self-confidence. Even if the Chinese men's football team entered the World Cup finals, it could play a part in this role. The reason why it was used partly was that the Chinese women's volleyball team and Chinese Go were really on the top of the world at that time. Unless the Chinese men's football team can also suddenly start to knock out Germany, Brazil, Argentina and other countries to win the World Cup championship.

Glory of Women's Volleyball Team

Glory of Nie Qisheng

After Nie Weiping won the second China Japan Go Challenge Arena, Comrade Xiaoping invited Nie Weiping to have a meal and propose a toast to him. I'm afraid other chess players can't enjoy this kind of treatment and dare not imagine it. In addition, Nie Weiping will play bridge with Comrade Xiaoping almost every year, and this kind of honor will never come again. Look at the title of Titan Sports Weekly, "China Japan Go Challenge Arena, Opening a New Era of World Go", and you will know the great historical significance of the China Japan Go Challenge Arena.

In the second challenge arena, 9 people were from each side. When it was Kobayashi Kobayashi's turn to play, he won 3 people in a row. The situation in China was tight. Deng Xiaoping and Hu Yaobang invited Nie Weiping and Cao Dayuan to Beidaihe to play bridge for a rest. Deng Xiaoping said to Nie Weiping, "I think you will lose this session." Hu Yaobang said, "It doesn't matter if you lose. Come back next year."

Xiaolin Jue won two sets in a row, and then lost to Ma Xiaochun. But Ma Xiaochun soon lost to Piangang Cong. So far, only Lao Nie is left in China, and Japan still has 5 first-class experts. Deng Xiaoping was very concerned about the progress of the competition. When someone mentioned that our side "will win in sorrow", he smiled: "But there is only one soldier in sorrow!"

Lao Nie is really "desperate for victory". He has won five Japanese masters in a row, namely Katoka Cong, Yamashiro, Sakai Meng, Takemiya Masatoki, and Takeru Heroes. The Chinese team won again! On the decisive day, Deng Xiaoping's family waited together for the results of the game. After Nie Weiping returned home, Deng Xiaoping invited him to dinner, toasted him and said, "Well played in the challenge arena!"

During that time, the People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency, CCTV, Guangming Daily and other media reported on the Challenge Arena, and Nie Weiping became a well-known "national hero".

In the third Challenge Arena, Liu Xiaoguang, the second Chinese player, won four consecutive matches. Later, Hiroshi Yamashiro, Japan, won five consecutive matches. Ma Xiaochun, the Chinese vice commander, was invited. After Ma Xiaochun successfully pulled the trigger, he lost to Japanese general Masao Kato. Later, Lao Nie ascended the challenge and defeated Masao Kato. China won the challenge arena for three consecutive times. In 1988, Nie Weiping was awarded the title of "chess saint" by the China Go Association. The front page news of the People's Daily wrote, "Saint" is a honorific title for a person who has made outstanding contributions, and chess saint is the highest honor for a Go player. "

Mr. Jin Yong, the great hero of the martial arts novels, is highly respected and has a distinguished family background. For example, Xu Zhimo is Jin Yong's cousin, Academician Qian Xuesen is Jin Yong's brother-in-law, Ms. Qiong Yao is Jin Yong's niece, and Mr. Jin Yong's martial arts readers are all over the world. The Ming Pao, founded by Mr. Jin Yong, is making money every day, and his martial arts novels have been adapted into countless films and TV plays. Even so, Mr. Jin Yong, who is fond of Go, will insist on taking Nie Weiping as his teacher. Mr. Jin Yong's worship of the teacher is not a simple formality, but to kowtow three times and nine times to the teacher and salute his disciples. Nie Weiping is 28 years younger than Jin Yong. He once recalled the scene of his apprenticeship with deep feelings: "Mr. Jin Yong had to kowtow at that time, and I said no, so he bowed three extra deep bows to me." For many years since then, the old gentleman has been called "master". Nie Weiping has become accustomed to nature, and no longer panicked. Other professional chess players also feel honored.

Just imagine, will such a legend still happen to the current chess players?

In a word, history has given the opportunity to Chinese Go in the 1980s, and Nie Weiping, like a god from heaven, has completed the entrustment of history. As a result, he has won a special honor and status that future chess players can neither imagine nor reach.

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