It has been seven years since Ke Jie burst into tears in Wuzhen. Has AI really conquered Go?

It has been seven years since Ke Jie burst into tears in Wuzhen. Has AI really conquered Go?
12:18, May 13, 2024 Sina Sports Comprehensive

The official partner of the National Go Team, Junior Zongheng, made a special report.

When I look back, I feel like a world away Ke Jie stay Wuzhen Man Machine War in tears trickling down one 's cheeks After several years, that day was Ke Jie's haunting nightmare, and it was also a nightmare in the chess world.

That year, Alphago was born, overturning the Weiqi Jianghu, rewriting history and ushering in a new era.

Now, I can't help asking: Has AI conquered Go? Is the emergence of AI a joy or a sorrow for human beings?

Seven years ago, the 17-year-old Go genius Ke Jie, who was praised as "unbeaten in white", just defeated the legendary Korean chess player Li Shishi and became the No. 1 Go player in the world with high morale. At the same time, he was proud of the Jianghu and did not waste his youth. However, a historic turning point is coming, which will shock the whole Go world.

From the end of 2016 to the beginning of 2017, a mysterious person appeared on the network. The network name of this person is "Master". He has played all over the world on various Go websites and played with dozens of top experts from China, Japan and South Korea. He has not lost a game for 60 consecutive games. Most of the games are won in the middle, and his strength is unfathomable. Some people say that the mysterious man's style is changeable, even with the trace of Wu Qingyuan. His style is light and quick. Although he sometimes uses amateur moves, they are very effective. And there are many unique points in the content of chess method.

When people speculated with different opinions, the mysterious man took off the veil. This master was the third generation of AI Go AI, Alphago Master, developed by DeepMind, a company under Google.

The staff involved in the research and development of DeepMind team made a public statement on their social media account, admitting that the mysterious man is the AI newly developed by the company:

Fan Hui shared this statement on Weibo and gave the Chinese version:

Later, Google and the Chinese Academy of Chess announced that they would send Ke Jie, the chess player representing the highest level of human Go, to fight with Alphago, the AI program of Go. This will be a century war that attracts worldwide attention. As a product of artificial intelligence technology, Alphago is in the final analysis a machine and a tool developed by human beings. Many people believe that AI plays chess only because it can calculate quickly. No matter what, the machine is dead. It is not as flexible as human beings and does not pose a threat to human beings.

In 2016, the second generation of Alphago had a fight with Li Shishi. Li Shishi lost to Alphago 1:4, and Ke Jie was still "arrogant": even if Alfa dog defeated Li Shishi, he could not win me. Therefore, the significance of the battle between AI and Ke Jie is very important. Whether it is the need for human beings to maintain their dignity in the field of Go, or to prove the strength of the artificial intelligence programs developed by human beings, everyone is looking forward to this game. Ke Jie is expected because he is the last hope of mankind and the most shining star in the chess world. If Ke Jie loses, Alphago will be invincible and no one can win.

On the afternoon of May 27, 2017, the last man-machine battle ended. For three games, Ke Jie was shocked and flustered at the beginning, then finally with tears in her eyes, and the pitcher conceded in the middle. After the game, Ke Jie was tired and depressed, but he was still trying to adjust his mood. When interviewed by reporters, he said bitterly that there was no fear but worship for Alphago, and crying during the game was more of an unwilling feeling, unwilling to lose. That year, Ke Jie was the first person to play Go, but he was also a 19-year-old boy. Even if he was strong, he was a human body, not a "god".

After the game, the DeepMind team announced that the game would be Alphago's swan song, and Alphago would stop playing with anyone.

Alphago's victory made everyone feel mixed. Does Alphago really understand Go? Did Alphago really dominate the Go world? Is it true that human beings can no longer surpass AI?

let me put it another way, Is AI really dominating the chess world?

Some people are pessimistic. They think that the computing power of AI Go has far exceeded that of human beings, and it is not the same dimension as human beings. Alphago is the "God of Go", and it is almost impossible for human beings to surpass AI. The appearance of Alphago is the end of the Go world. Maybe AI will replace all professional chess players in the future and make them "unemployed".

Some optimists believe that although Go AI has become very powerful, human beings have their own creativity, just like the "Divine Dig" that Li Shishi surprised when he confronted Alphago, which directly caused the collapse of Alphago algorithm and won a game.

But no matter what the answer is, we are extremely lucky to be able to witness a historic scene at this critical node.

"When Alphago finally opened the gate of the Go Hall, people knew that there was no one there. With the precipitation of countless chess games in the past and the desire for the peak of the game, I We are lucky to use Alphago to step Enter the palace of Go truth. Looking back at the human-computer war in 2017, it marked that Class from At that moment, it was really possible to lift the veil of Go that had covered thousands of years.

Then the question arises. Nearly seven years after the two human-computer wars, has AI really conquered Go?

(Zhu Wenjie)

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