Saudi Anti Doping Commission made a surprise urine test on Ronaldo and Otavio

Saudi Anti Doping Commission made a surprise urine test on Ronaldo and Otavio
17:25, May 15, 2024 sina sports

 Saudi Anti Doping Commission made a surprise inspection on urine test of Ronaldo and Otavio Saudi Anti Doping Commission made a surprise inspection on urine test of Ronaldo and Otavio

On May 15, Beijing time, Saudi media reported that the Saudi Anti Doping Commission suddenly came to Riyadh's victory training on Tuesday (14th) to conduct a surprise urine test on Ronaldo and Otavio, but did not conduct a urine test on their opponents Riyadh Crescent players on Friday.

The fans who won in Riyadh were very angry and asked for the same treatment. The Riyadh New Moon players also had a surprise urine test.

On May 18, the 32nd round of the Saudi Arabia League will be held. Riyadh Xinyue will win 12 points ahead of Riyadh with three rounds left, locking the league championship in advance..


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