Europa League - Lukman hat trick Atlanta 3-0 Leverkusen wins the championship

Europa League - Lukman hat trick Atlanta 3-0 Leverkusen wins the championship
06:00, May 23, 2024 sina sports

On May 23, in the final of the Europa League, Atlanta defeated Leverkusen 3-0 to win the championship, ending their unbeaten record of 51 games this season.

In the 12th minute, Lukman pushed and shot through the door.

In the 26th minute, Lukman volleyed into the goal after passing.

In the 75th minute, Lukman scored a hat trick.

Atlanta starts: 1 - Muso, 4 - Sheen, 19 - Jim Siti, 23 - Kolahinaz (46 '42 - Scarvini), 77 - Zapacosta (84' 33 - Hartbauer), 13 - Edson, 7 - Kupumenas, 22 - Rujeri, 17 - De Ketelare (57 '8 - Passalic), 90 - Scarmaka (84' 10 - Bilal Toure), 11 - Lukman

Leverkusen starts: 17 Kowalj, 12 Tapsoba, 2 Stanisic (46 '22 Boniface), 4 Runatan Ta, 3 Inampier, 25 Palacios (69' 8 Andrei), 34 Zaka, 30 Frimpong (81 '19 Nathan Tra), 20 Grimaldo (69' 23 Helozek), 10 Welts (81 '14 Hick), 21 Adeli


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