La Liga - Venus Double Bellingham Shoots Real Madrid 5-0 Alavis

La Liga - Venus Double Bellingham Shoots Real Madrid 5-0 Alavis
06:00, May 15, 2024 sina sports

On May 15, in the 36th round of La Liga, Real Madrid defeated Alavis 5-0 at home.

In the 10th minute, Cross slanted the ball, and Bellingham volleyed through the door.

In the 27th minute, Venus broke the door.

In the 45th minute, Bellingham assists, and Balwade bursts into the door.

In the 70th minute, Venus scored twice.

In the 81st minute, Guilair broke the door.

Real Madrid start: 1 - Kurtuva, 2 - Kawahar, 3 - Militan (71 '22 - Ludige), 6 - Nacho, 23 - Mendi, 15 - Balved (83' 28 - Mario Martin), 12 - Camavenga (62 '24 - Curier), 8 - Cross (72' 19 - Sebalos), 5 - Bellingham, 11 - Rodrigo, 7 - Veneseus


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