Only when we see James Nadal can we understand why people would like to say that Mello is the best in history

Only when we see James Nadal can we understand why people would like to say that Mello is the best in history
13:47, October 12, 2020 sina sports
 The superstars chasing "GOAT" The superstars chasing "GOAT"

On October 11, 2020, several historic events have taken place in the sports industry all over the world. The NBA, tennis and F1, the three most influential events, have emerged as the best topics in history——

Rafael Nadal won the French Open for the 13th time, and 20 Grand Slams tied with Roger Federer, the first player in history; Hamilton won the 91st victory in his career, equaling Schumacher, the first in history; James led the Lakers to win the championship, raising his personal honor to four championships, four MVPs and four finals MVPs, triggering a new wave of comparisons between him and Jordan.

 James Wins the Finals MVP Again James Wins the Finals MVP Again

What a wonderful sports age!

James, who is about to turn 36 at the end of the year, is still very brave. Nadal, 34, and Djokovic, 33, face off at the French Open. People witnessed the man who challenged Jordan, the god of basketball, and saw that the top three Grand Slam champions in men's tennis history appeared in almost the same era. These old boys kept writing legends and marching towards the best grand goal in history.

So, what was the best thing in history? Looking at Nadal and James last night and this morning, perhaps you will also understand why many people who witnessed Messi Ronaldo play football are willing to call one of them the best in history.

 13 times in a grand slam?! 13 times in a grand slam?!

   If you want to talk about the best in history, you need immortal terrorist figures and hard core records.

After winning the French Open title again, Nadal raised the total record of the French Open to 100 wins and 2 losses; He won the French Open 13 times only once a year. what is it? This is invincible!

Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo can also be called record breakers. Both of them hope to become the players who score the most goals in football history. Mero's year after year horrible goal competition, the annual goal 50+once was just basic practice, and even raised people's evaluation standards. In terms of honor, they won 11 Golden Globe Awards, making this award almost one-on-one, which is also the only one in history.

 Macy's amazing magic Macy's amazing magic

   If you want to talk about the best in history, you need to bring out something you have never seen before.

Fans who are familiar with the way Maradona and Pele play football may not agree that Messi or Ronaldo is the best in history. But when you see Messi playing football, even if you have experienced Maradona, you should also see Messi's amazing football skills, his rare combination of human and football and his ability to play football. If you have never experienced Ma, you may be more willing to say "Who else" to Messi.

Ronaldo brought another shock, and his career development mode is the only one in history. From Manchester United to Real Madrid and then to Juve, after many transformations and adjustments, he has always been able to motivate himself with amazing power, and has always been old and strong in the business of the most difficult attackers to make a living. None of the best candidates in history has such a career path.

 Ronaldo has achieved the great cause of national team Ronaldo has achieved the great cause of national team

   If you want to talk about the best in history, you need legends beyond honor.

When Curry and Durant teamed up and the Cavaliers lost to the Warriors in a row, who would have thought that James could endure the disintegration of the invincible Warriors? As a result, he really did it. At the age of 35, he continued to show his dominant playoff performance. The fourth championship and the fourth finals MVP, in fact, brought more than just the bonus to James. Of course, this is also the horror of Jordan.

But in Messi Ronaldo's career, are there still a few famous faces? When people talk about Messi or Ronaldo being the best in history, they will definitely bring out these legends. In turn, Messi's failure to win the championship and Cristiano Ronaldo's withdrawal from the European Cup final will become the argument that Mero will never be better than Bema.

 "Big Three" "Big Three"

   If you want to talk about the best in history, you also need incredible lasting dominance.

How scary are the three men's tennis giants? Let's put it this way, all the grand slams in 2020 have been completed, and the three giants are still in the state of "I don't give, you can't grab" against the post-90s stars. Tim's US Open champion finally broke the egg, but you also know how many accidental factors there are. LeBron James's endurance also goes without saying that he has played in the first team for 13 times, played in the finals for 10 times, and even had the saying of "fighting against Zhan in N years".

What about Mero? At first, people were just talking about "the third person in the world". When they said that, they found that the whole third person in the Merlot era could be evaluated because they were too prominent. For many years, the theme of the Champions League has always been who can win the championship, or who can stop him. The decline of the speech five years ago, but the 35 year old and 33 year old two stars have always stood upright.

There was no Big Three in Tim's US Open final against Zweilev, and many fans complained about the quality of the match. Do you think that tennis after the Big Three and football after Mero are not worth watching? I'm afraid there are not a few sports fans who have this idea.

 Absolute focus Absolute focus

   If you want to talk about the best in history, you also need to become an extremely prominent focus on the personal level.

In this season's Champions League, Barcelona and Juve were assigned to the same group, and what would people's first reaction be? Messi C Luotong has set up! Duel! In such a collective project as football, it is extremely rare for this kind of focus similar to the dialogue of tennis giants. It seems that only with this kind of worship close to personal heroes can it be included in the best discussion in history.

To be fair, the two round group match between Juve and Barcelona will not affect the Champions League journey of the two teams to a great extent, but the topic of the whole group match is already conceivable. Who can bear the burden and rank of other players of the same era, even other players after Mero? To be honest, none of them are close to each other.

Some famous football players once compared Messi and Ronaldo with Federer and Nadal. Considering the difference between group events and individual events, this is an interpretation of the personal influence of Messi and Ronaldo.

 Hamilton tied Schumacher's 91 win record Hamilton tied Schumacher's 91 win record

A group of post-80s sports superstars, one after another rare milestone in history, and one after another legendary immortal chapter... Whether they are the best in history, and who is the best in history, different people will still have different views and debate about it. But their amazing achievements and the journey towards the best in history have inspired hundreds of millions of sports fans.

After the Lakers won the championship, there was a saying that said James: "I haven't seen Jordan, you are my god." Similar descriptions can also be used for Messi and Ronaldo. How lucky it is to be able to fully witness the career of a player who can compete for the best player in history - in today's football world, there are two such people.

(Sina Sports Huadivia Column)

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(Editor in charge: Bu Yili)

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