Ta Shuai showed the olive trees to the players and told them that they must cultivate roots

Ta Shuai showed the olive trees to the players and told them that they must cultivate roots
May 23, 2024 01:26 sina sports

The Times published an article about how Arteta has led Arsenal to become a team that can compete with Manchester City.

Arteta has a close relationship with the players and often tries to stimulate or irritate them. Once, he took a light bulb to a team meeting to show everyone that if the power is not plugged in, the light bulb is nothing. Through this example, we can tell the players that if the team is not connected, the team will have no strength.

On another occasion, Alta showed you an olive tree, so that you can understand that if you want a branch to flourish, you must cultivate the root. For this reason, he even planted a 150 year old olive tree outside the office of the training ground, which is about the age of the club. Arteta also showed the working principle of the clock and explained to the players that everyone must play a role to make things work.

Sometimes in the away game, Arteta will put up posters on the wall of the locker room with the words "Strength and Aggressiveness", and sometimes it is about the weaknesses of the opponent in the set pieces. As time went by, the measures achieved results, and the young players gained confidence and direction. This season, Saka overcame his shyness and became a member of the team committee, often actively reflecting on the team's performance, tactics and details.

Erdegao also really grew up to be a captain and knew more about the needs of his teammates. The 25-year-old Norwegian international was very popular. The staff at the training ground also gave him a cup with the words "the best captain in history". When Hafez joined the signing club, Erdegao was the first player to send a message to offer help. After beating Manchester City in the Community Shield in August, he took another new player Rice to thank the fans.

The cohesion of the team is not only from the head coach and captain. On the team bus, Haffetz led everyone to play with Switch's Mario Kart. In the team hotel before the game, if Zinio likes watching soap operas, his teammates will tease him about his recreation like his grandmother. Zinchenko and Ben White like playing UNO, and Brazilian players like "Ludo" (a card chess game, played on a special board with dice and chips).

Last year, Alta kept a Labrador named "Win". Because the lawn of the training ground was sprayed with a chemical substance that may be harmful to dogs, it was not allowed to enter the training ground. But Win likes to watch the training and won't be scared away by Bob, the cat stationed on the training ground. Alta likes Win very much.

This is a young, united and caring team. The appreciation between players and fans is growing day by day, which is of great benefit to the team spirit. Such ties have helped the famous quiet Emirates Stadium become one of the busiest stadiums in the country. Before the start of each home game, there is a special program to sing the new team song, The Angel by Louis Dunford (North London Forever).

In one practice, Arteta asked the players to write down their feelings when playing at the Emirates Stadium on the whiteboard. Laya wrote "confidence", Saka wrote "special", and Trossad wrote "magic". Trossad was a stubborn man who sometimes had differences with Alta, but they soon passed.


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