Hafferts scored 20 Premier League goals in his first season, the fifth player in the history of the Gunners

Hafferts scored 20 Premier League goals in his first season, the fifth player in the history of the Gunners
01:15, May 21, 2024 sina sports

In the 38th round of the Premier League, Arsenal beat Everton 2-1 at home. Hafferts scored the winning goal and the Gunners finished second with 89 points.

Hafez has 13 goals and 7 assists in 37 Premier League games this season. According to BBC statistics, he is the fifth player in the history of Arsenal to directly participate in 20 Premier League goals in the first season. The previous four players were Henry (99/00, 25 goals), Kassola (12/13, 23 goals), Podolski (12/13, 20 goals) and Sanchez (14/15, 24 goals).


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