The Chinese and second teams maintain strong breakthrough performance. The annual dark horse of the Football Association Cup has taken shape

The Chinese and second teams maintain a strong breakthrough performance. The annual dark horse of the Football Association Cup has taken shape

   Source: surging news

From May 15 to 19 Beijing time, the third round of the 2024 China Football Association Cup started. The 16 matches were held in 15 cities, including Shanghai, Dalian, Rizhao, Langfang, Weinan, Ganzhou, and so on. The amateur team and the second team were very popular, playing a good game of defeating the strong with the weak. In the end, one amateur team and five Chinese and second teams successfully defeated their opponents from China and advanced to the fourth round of the China Football Association Cup, which will face the challenge of the Chinese Super League teams.

   The Chinese and second teams performed strongly

This round of FA Cup started on May 15, and 16 competitions were held in 4 match days. In this round, all 16 teams in A made their debut. However, due to the inability to use foreign aid and the fact that all of them fought away from home, the strength gap between them and their opponents was narrowed, and the possibility of low level teams becoming cold was greatly increased.

After four days of competition, one of the championship teams and five of the second team successfully challenged and advanced to the fourth round of the FA Cup. In the match on May 17, Rizhao Yuqihuaxin defeated Shanghai Jiading Huilong 2-0 with the goals of Pan Yuchen and Ying Yuxiao. Under the special competition system of the Football Association Cup, Rizhao Yuqihuaxin fully demonstrated the team's ability to play encounter games.

Guangxi Hengchen defeated Dalian Yingbo 2-1 and advanced to the fourth round with the goals of Guo Zicheng and Zhang Xiaoxue. Dalian Yingbo temporarily ranked second in the China First League this season. Considering the intense competition schedule of the team recently, certain personnel adjustments were also made in the Cup. Dalian Yingbo was suppressed by his younger brother Guangxi Hengchen, regardless of the overall ball control rate or the number of shots and shots, Finally, they were eliminated.

The other three extremely cold matches were all won through penalty shootouts. The enthusiasm of 23519 fans at the match between Shaanxi United and Guangzhou Club ran through the whole game. The two sides drew 1-1 in the regular time, and Shaanxi United defeated the opponent 7-6 in the penalty shootout to advance to the next round; In 90 minutes, Langfang City of Glory drew 1-1 with Heilongjiang Ice City, winning 4-2 on penalties; Ganzhou Ruishi Dingnan Brigade cast a 2-2 draw with Liaoning Iron Man in the regular time. Ganzhou Ruishi defeated the opponent 3-1 in the penalty shoot out and successfully advanced.

   The annual "dark horse" of the Football Association Cup appeared

In addition to five Chinese and second tier teams, Shanghai Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, the largest "dark horse" amateur team, drew 1-1 with Yanbian Longding in the regular time on the 15th, and won 5-4 on penalties, successfully progressing to the fourth round. This season, Shanghai Mitsubishi Heavy Industries won the opportunity to participate in the regular match through the qualification match of the Football Association Cup. To reach the fourth round of the FA Cup has created a "miracle" of this season's FA Cup.

In fact, in the first two rounds of the FA Cup, the team scored seven goals and one goal in two games without losing, and the "dark horse" nature has begun to appear. After defeating Yanbian Longding, the team will face the challenge of Chengdu Rongcheng, a Chinese Super League team, for the first time. Although the opponents are strong, the team is still confident to compete with them.

The main goalkeeper Wu Yaoshengxuan said: "In every game along the way, from the qualifying match, to Quanzhou, to the Jiangxi black horse youth who hit B, and then to the victory of Yanbian, we have an attitude, that is, to fight against the opponent, go all out, without leaving any regrets, and the next game is to fight against Chengdu. Although the opponent is very strong, we still have confidence to fight with the opponent until the last minute."

Previously, the home court of Shanghai Mitsubishi Heavy Industries was always located in the football field of East China University of Science and Technology. In the fourth round, the team chose a larger and more professional football field to compete with its rivals. Regardless of the final result, Shanghai Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has become a strong competitor of the "Dark Horse Award" of the 2024 China Football Association Cup.

   "Seed Program" Enters Fuping County Special Education School

On May 17, the 2024 China Football Association Cup "Seed Plan" public welfare activity entered Fuping County Special Education School, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, bringing football happiness to a group of special children. In this event, the FA Cup champion trophy also came to Fuping County Special Education School as part of the tour. When the trophy appeared in front of the children, it aroused their great interest. Through the explanation of the official staff, the children learned about the history of the oldest game in the history of Chinese football, and also planted the seeds of football in their hearts.

The purpose of Fuping County Special Education School is to provide compulsory education and rehabilitation training for children and adolescents with hearing and intellectual disabilities throughout the county. Lu Jinning, headmaster of Fuping County Special Education School, introduced that there are more than 170 special flowers living in the school. The school is constantly exploring and practicing, according to the characteristics of children, through a variety of activities, so that children are lively, confident and smart. Last year, we also actively held special Olympics integration activities and organized school children to watch football matches in Weinan Sports Center.

"The children actually have their own beautiful dreams, and they also hope to be recognized and accepted. Shaanxi United Football Club has given us great help, sending professional coaches to guide the children in football. Thank all the caring people for giving the children wings of dreams, and hope that football will become a channel to realize their dreams and values."

The "seed plan" of the China Football Association Cup started in 2014, which was jointly initiated by the China Football Association Cup Competition Committee and the naming sponsor. Each game donated football, training equipment, etc. to the schools in the home area. Up to now, the "seed program" of the China Football Association Cup has donated more than 40000 soccer balls to more than 2100 primary and secondary schools and youth training institutions. With the continuous development of the "Seed Plan" activity, these football like vigorous seeds take root, sprout, blossom and bear fruit on the warm land of schools all over the country, encouraging more children to participate in this charming sport and enjoy the happiness brought by football.

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