What is the minimum consumption of seaports? The fierceness of two rounds of 11 ball fire is amazing

What is the minimum consumption of seaports? The fierceness of two rounds of 11 ball fire is amazing

   Source: Guan Yin, Xinmin Evening News

In the face of Xie Hui, a former friend, the officers and men of the Harbor Team showed no mercy. Last night, they beat Changchun Yatai 5-2 at home. After defeating Qingdao 5-0 and sweeping Shenzhen Xinpeng City 6-0, Muscat's team scored 5 goals in a single game again, showing a strong offensive firepower. While welcoming three consecutive wins, they also extended the unbeaten start record of the season to 10 games. The fans laughed, In today's seaports, five goals in a single game is the "minimum consumption".

The first two rounds of league matches in the seaport have been fought away from home. First, Qingdao Hainiu was slaughtered 5-0 at the Qingdao Youth Football Stadium, creating the record of winning the biggest goal difference in the Chinese Super League this season. Then, the record just set was broken at Shenzhen Bao'an Stadium, sweeping Shenzhen Xinpeng City 6-0. In the past two rounds, 11 goals have been scored, and one goal has not been missed. The fierceness of firepower is amazing.

Xie Hui, the head coach of Shanghai, has just taken over the leadership of Yatai, and won his first victory after defeating Nantong Zhiyun in the last round. In the face of the powerful harbor, Xie Hui did not adopt a completely defensive strategy last night, but still adhered to the normal attack and defense, focusing on technical flow cooperation. However, this also gives the harbor team more space in the front court.

In the first 10 minutes, Gustavo's goal opened the prelude of the goal war. The Brazilian center has scored in five consecutive games. Also hot is the local striker Wang Wulei, who scored two goals in the first and second half. He has scored 12 goals in 10 rounds of this season, ranking first in the list of shooters. Vargas scored last night after his first hat trick after joining the team in the last round. Plus Gustavo's second half header, he and Wu Lei both scored twice. Although the tenacious Yatai also pulled back two goals, he was still unable to recover.

The attack of Haigang in this game was impressive. Oscar, Vargas, Gustavo, Wu Lei and Wang Zhen'ao and other players often played wonderful continuous cooperation in the middle and front court. The team also showed a variety of offensive means, especially the combination of side and center, small range of passing and cutting, and set piece attack, which made the other side exhausted, On the spot, the fans shouted happily. The harbor team shot as many as 24 times last night, eight of which were within the doorframe. If you are more lucky, you may score two or three more goals.

After the game, Sun Guoliang, who scored a goal for Yatai, sighed: "This score was unexpected before the game, but Haigang must be a very strong opponent. We wanted to do a good job in defense at the beginning. Everyone went all out, but the opponent was indeed a higher level than us." Coach Xie Hui also said at the post match press conference: "Although we have created many opportunities under difficult circumstances, the team needs three to four opportunities to score a goal on average, while the Port team only needs one or two opportunities to score. For our young players, there is still a long way to go."

It is worth mentioning that the Seaport Club, together with the Shanghai Youth Activity Center Love Space, specially invited about 30 mentally handicapped young people to the main stadium to watch the game. Before the game, all the fans raised their mobile phones and welcomed the "children from the stars" with all the stars. In addition to watching the game, Xingbao people also carried out charity sale activities with various handicrafts made by themselves under the guidance of teachers and parents. Many fan friends came to the sales point to subscribe, so as to express their love and encouragement for Xingbao people. The club hopes that more people will pay attention to and understand this special group in the future and pass on more warmth to them. While the league is booming, the Port Club has also been making continuous efforts to spread more positive energy through the game.  

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