Fuge 34+10 Fu Hao 18 points Liaoning wins Xinjiang again 2-0 overall score

Fuge 34+10 Fu Hao 18 points Liaoning wins Xinjiang again 2-0 overall score
21:42, May 17, 2024 sina sports

On May 17, Beijing time, it was reported that Liaoning men's basketball team defeated Xinjiang men's basketball team 97-86 at home in the CBA finals of the 2023-2024 season, leading 2-0 on the total score.

Xinjiang Team: Qi Lin scored 17 points, Abdul Sharam scored 9 points, 8 rebounds and 4 assists, Yu Dehao scored 8 points, 3 rebounds and 3 steals, Jones scored 12 points, 5 rebounds and 5 assists, Huang Rongqi scored 13 points, 6 rebounds, Wikington scored 14 points, and Li Yanzhe scored 7 points and 4 rebounds.

Liaoning Team: Zhao Jiwei scored 13 points, 6 rebounds, 8 assists and 4 steals, Zhang Zhenlin scored 9 points, 8 rebounds and 4 assists, Fu Hao scored 18 points and 9 rebounds, Fergie scored 34 points, 10 rebounds, 5 assists and 2 steals, Han Dejun scored 11 points, 8 rebounds and Li Xiaoxu scored 6 points and 5 rebounds.

In the first quarter, Jones and Abdul Shalam scored consecutively after the opening game, and Qi Lin scored from his own throw and grab, starting 8-2 in Xinjiang. Zhao Jiwei and Qi Lin played for three points against each other, Jones fast attack Moyland, Zhao Jiwei scored three points from the bottom corner and then hit the ball again. Abdul went around to cover the outside line to retaliate, Zhang Zhenlin made two points from the penalty shot, Ferg blocked and opened the ball and scored three points. Li Xiaoxu pushed the whistle into the net, and Liaoning took the lead in the first quarter 32-31.

In the second quarter, Jones and Huang Rongqi successively made a surprise attack on the basket, and Xinjiang quickly overcame the score. The two sides repeatedly contested the difference of one or two points. Ferg scored three points. Han Dejun beat Wu Guanxi to hit the board, and Ferg added two points to the layup. Liaoning regained the initiative, and Fu Hao shot three points at the buzzer. Xinjiang fell behind 46-57 in the half.

In the third quarter, Zhang Zhenlin turned over and made a jump shot. Jones quickly layed up to catch 2 points. Zhang Zhenlin received Han Dejun's clever pass and put the ball into the empty basket. Zhao Jiwei and Han Dejun made consecutive layups and scored. Liaoning led to 15 points. Li Yanzhe scored 2+1 in the strong attack, Qi Lin scored twice in the self throw and self rob attack, Li Huyi scored three points from the bottom corner, and Liaoning took the lead 77-67 after three quarters.

In the fourth quarter, Jones scored 2 points in the first throw, Huang Rongqi scored 2 points in the second, and Yu Dehao scored three points. Abdul Salamu hit the net with one hand, and Xinjiang levelled the score in a wave of 11-1, 78-78. Fergie threw a shot into the basket, and Li Yanzhe ate cake under the basket. The two teams fought equally for three consecutive times.

Zhang Zhenlin scored three points on the right side, Jones dribbled the ball and Fu Hao hit 2+1. Liaoning led by 6 points in an instant. Li Yanzhe made two free throws, Qi Lin made two long shots in a row to hit the iron, and Ferg made two fouls to make two free throws. Abudu missed three points, Huang Rongqi and Wikington lost four free throws in a row, and Fu Hao scored three points to lock the victory. Finally, Liaoning defeated Xinjiang 97-86, leading 2-0 in the total score.

(Don't forget the original intention)

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