Xinjiang and Liaoning meet for the first time in the playoffs Liaoning is only 7-14

Xinjiang and Liaoning meet for the first time in the playoffs Liaoning is only 7-14
22:30, May 11, 2024 sina sports

On May 11, Beijing time, it was reported that Liaoning men's basketball team won 116-95 over Guangdong men's basketball team in the semi-final of the CBA playoffs of the 2023-2024 season, and reached the final with a total score of 3-2. Liaoning team will compete with Xinjiang team for the championship.

In the end, Liaoning and Xinjiang, the top two teams in the regular season, met in the final, which fully demonstrates the hard strength of the two teams. Although the two teams have met for many times in the playoffs, this season the two teams met in the CBA finals for the first time in history.

Although Liaoning Team has won more titles, in fact, Xinjiang Team has been the "bitter master" of Liaoning Team for a long time from the past playoff match record.

The two sides had fought for five times in the playoffs, and Liaoning lost the series for the first four times. It was not until the 2019-2020 season that Liaoning defeated Xinjiang in the semi-finals that it won the first series. A total of 21 small games, Liaoning's record is only 7-14.

Liaoning vs Xinjiang:

2012-2013 quarter finals: Liaoning 2-3 Xinjiang

2013-2014 quarter finals: Liaoning 1:3 Xinjiang

2016-2017 season semi-finals: Liaoning 1-4 Xinjiang

Semi finals of 2018-2019 season: Liaoning 1-4 Xinjiang

2019-2020 season semi-finals: Liaoning 2-0 Xinjiang

(Don't forget the original intention)

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