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The final of the 28th China Go Rookie Championship kicked off in Shanghai

2024-06-06 14:33 China News Network

The final of the 28th "Maqiao Cup" China Go Rookie Championship was held in Shanghai on the 5th. In the previous semi-final, Wang Chuxuan and Zhou Ziqi defeated their opponents in the fifth and fourth stages, respectively, to meet in the final. In the first game of three times chess, Wang Chuxuan won the game in the 173rd hand and played first.

Wang Chuxuan, 17 years old, and Zhou Ziyi, 15 years old, are both "regular visitors" in the tournament, and both of them have reached the finals for the first time, which also means that this tournament will usher in a new "new king".

According to the rules of the competition, the top eight players in the ranking will enter the competition directly. In this stage, Wang Chuxuan won three consecutive rounds of Xiao Zebin, two rounds of Chen Yizhe, four rounds of Han Moyang and four rounds of Qiu Yuran; Zhou Ziyi won the first section of Xie Jiayan, the second section of Zhang Xuanming, the fourth section of Xu Yidi, and the fifth section of Ye Changxin.

Chang Hao, chairman of the China Go Association, said that the "New Man King" is a brand event of China Go, which was established in 1993. He has participated in the first game and won a championship.

"This is a stage dedicated to young talents. It can be said that it is a platform for young chess players' 'carp leaping over the dragon gate' '. Through this stage, they can move to a bigger arena and achieve better results. Therefore, no matter who the two young chess players win the championship this year, I will support them. I hope they will take the new king as the starting point of their career and work towards a higher and farther goal." Chang Hao said.

Liu Shizhen, the president of Shanghai Chess Academy, won the championship of the seventh rookie king competition and the third China South Korea rookie king competition. He said that in the past, the "rookie king" had a relatively wide age limit for chess players. The first champion was 30 years old at that time, but now it is really cultivating new players. Men are limited to 18 years old and women are limited to 20 years old.

"Their level is much higher than when we were in this age group in the past, so the competition among chess players is very fierce now, and it will be very difficult to win the championship." Liu Shizhen pointed out that many chess players, such as Chang Hao and Fan Tingjue, have become world champions through this event, "So this event will improve the confidence of young players and help them grow in their future career. It is truly an event that helps new players advance."

Editor in charge: Chen Jiannan (QE0022)

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