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CBA playoff complex situation tests the referee's ability to control the field

2024-04-24 10:09 China News Network

64 fouls, a total of 81 free throws - On April 21, the intensity of the second game of the Zhejiang and Shanghai Men's Basketball Series can be imagined. In another match on the same night, there was a conflict between the Xinjiang men's basketball team and the Guangzhou men's basketball team. Huang Rongqi of the Xinjiang men's basketball team was sent off for a fist swing.

Season 2023-2024 CBA The fight for the playoffs has entered a white hot stage. Eight teams in four series will not give way to any offensive and defensive round. For the defense of the opponent's core foreign aid and domestic key players, the defender is like a plaster. Intense physical confrontation and relentless cutting of the ball make every goal need to do its utmost.

Taking the second series of Zhejiang Men's Basketball Team and Shanghai Men's Basketball Team as an example, Wang Zhelin, the main center of Shanghai Men's Basketball Team, two foreign players Bradshaw and Bacon were violated 7, 9 and 8 times respectively. Of course, the defense level of the Shanghai men's basketball team against the core players of the Zhejiang men's basketball team is not low. Jones, Perry and Gary have been violated for 10 times. Cheng Shuaipeng and Wu Qian have also fallen to the ground repeatedly in the competition.

There is a very interesting statistic. In the first half of the game, the two teams had a total of 52 free throws NBA The Lakers and Nuggets had only 25 free throws in the playoffs.

The intense physical confrontation has made the fans watching the ball excited. But how to maintain the continuity of the game and keep the degree of confrontation within the competitive range is a great test of the ability of the referee in the playoffs.

On April 21, during the match between the Xinjiang men's basketball team and the Guangzhou men's basketball team, Abdul Salam fell to the ground while grabbing the position with Guangzhou foreign aid Brown. At that time, the Xinjiang team had already led by a large score, but the two sides still had conflicts. The referee watched the video and took Huang Rongqi to power. Abdul Salam and Brown also suffered physical fouls. Although Qiu Biao, the head coach of Xinjiang men's basketball team, was very dissatisfied with Huang Rongqi's capture of power, the rhythm and atmosphere of the game soon returned to the normal range.

Because the competition is fierce, the judgment of some foul actions is a great test of the referee's professional ability. For example, how to judge more accurately the moving screen, attacking hit or blocking fouls, defending against the cylinder, or attacking players illegally expanding the cylinder, and how to grasp the blowing and punishment scale of malicious actions such as foot stepping. In addition, coaches and players are more sensitive to each decision, and the referee needs to improve his field control ability.

After the Xinjiang men's basketball team defeated the Guangzhou men's basketball team in a big score, the coach of the Guangzhou men's basketball team Guo Shiqiang, in addition to saying that the strength of the Xinjiang team is really stronger, specifically mentioned a problem: "In the case of Xinjiang team's large movements and many diving, we lack experience, and we should learn to grow in this kind of game." Interestingly, during the regular season, Guo Shiqiang once praised the strength of the Xinjiang men's basketball team, but sniffed at the "diving" of Jiang Wen, a former Beijing men's basketball player.

For the time being, no matter what kind of mentality Guo Shiqiang's inconsistent attitude is, at least from one side, the situation that the playoff referees have to face on the spot is more complicated and changeable. However, the key to a stable and orderly playoff is to keep on changing, minimize misjudgments at critical moments, avoid counter judgments, and focus on malicious actions.

Editor in charge: Chen Jiannan (QE0022)

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